Is burning a cd and putting it in your box the only way to put non streamed music on there or is there a simpler way (i.e. jump drive)
I think it is yeah. You can play you entire music collection through plugging in an iPod or through linking you Xbox to your computer but as far as I know there's not way of burning it from either of those devices. So yeah, I think it has to be straight from CD.
Should work. You can't play anything with DRM on it though (or at least Apple's DRM, which most songs on iTunes do not have anymore.)
I would just stream it. It really doesn't cause a problem unless your computer ain't connected to your xbox by router, etc.
If you're not playing a game on your xbox, works great and besides all of these other ideas, if you have a stereo, most stereos have a mic input/output and you can be audio cords to connect your music device to it.
Then yeah you gotta use CDs. Nothing else will work. EDIT: Make sure if you burn CDs you use a program that enables you to include CD text. Otherwise have fun trying to find the right song you wanna listen to.
It can accept mp3 and wav works straight out of the box, but you can also use aac if you download an optional (free) update. You can download it from the games marketplace under all games then "O" then Optional Media Update or set your Xbox to download it using the link below.
Yeah like if you use iTunes to burn CDs there's a check box option that says "Write CD text" or something like that. Just like you aid it puts the Song Title, Artist, and Album Name on the CD. So then if you put the CD in a computer or some kinda CD player that shows the info, you'll see that instead of "Track 1", "Track 2", Track 3", etc.