Sandbox Asset: ONI Ark

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Mister man 1217, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    ONI Ark

    Made By: JPeloquin218

    This is a map built on the Mid of Sandbox built specifically for the gametype called Asset. It is a VIP game based off from Halo ODST's last mission in campagin. In that mission, players where to Protect the Engineer or the "Asset". The defenders are ODST's and the Attackers are the Covenent forces trying to take out the betraying Engineer. One person on the defending team will be the Asset whos traits are like as in ODST. The gaol of the game for the ODST's is to wait out for about 4 minutes for a Hornet to drop down making them able to reach the destination which is in the sky. but it will not be easy becuase at certin points in the game, the Covenent will get more powerful by either becomeing/having traits of a Brute Cheiftan, or becoming an invisable Brute with a mauler and some handy flames grenades. So it will be an epic battle to make it out alive.

    For a fully explaination of the game with everything you need to now, checkout the Asset Explaination Guide


    Here is a Youtbe video of the map[/"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/"]400 Bad Request[/"]400 Bad Request

    Map: ONI Ark - Made by JPeloquin218
    Gametype: Asset - Made by rifte gifle

    Enjoy! Feedback would be really appreciated!
    #1 Mister man 1217, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  2. Asset 4 Life

    Asset 4 Life Ancient

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    This map is great , very fun to play and need a great ammount of teamwork! definetly one of my fav Asset maps :) .. but i have a creation i have been thinking about for a long time now involving Asset .. its going to be a map were you have the big Ark coming out of the sand very high above ground.. and ramps going to the top of it .. i am also wondering if anyone would like to help with it ! :) :) :) ?
  3. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Hmm, looks like a decent design, although I think it could use some spice. I haven't played it yet so maybe it doesn't lack any structures. Hopefully this will play well, and also I like the map name.
  4. ryguy3298

    ryguy3298 Ancient

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    The map looks great except for the ship thing that's above the battle field. The Shield door is sticking out from the side and it makes it look weird. You should try to fix that. Other then that, the map looks like fun.
  5. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys,a dn the shield door thing, I wanted to to be like that, lol
  6. coo

    coo Forerunner

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    hey i love the idea that you are trying to do and the layout is very good as well as the ghost merging but the ship is very dissapointing

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