Introduction Hello!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grakus Arkadius, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Grakus Arkadius

    Grakus Arkadius Ancient

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    Hey, everyone. Long time viewer / downloader here, finally joined. I just figured I'd say hello to everyone here and give a brief little description of myself. I also have a question, if anyone is willing to answer it here.

    To begin with, my name is Jeff(rey) A. Gagne--yes, my initials spell out JAG, if you don't know what that is, Google it--I've been an avid Halo player since Halo 1: CE, and an avid Forger since it came out. However, my skills with Forge haven't always been good (as my first submission will show) as they are now. I don't claim to be a master forger, but I know what I'm doing, more often than not.

    But, that's the Halo me, not the real me.

    I'm nineteen years old and I graduated from Highschool the previous year. I had decided to post-pone my applications for college for a year so I could find a job and just recover from the constant studying. However, that route has failed, as most people in my area aren't hiring. This leaves me with a lot of free time where I concentrate on my hobbies, such as writing, roleplaying, gaming, and keeping contact with friends and family.

    I hope to exchange maps and gametypes with you all in the near future. But now for my question:

    I saw that in the rules for submitting a map that you don't link to your file share, but rather the 'forum post' that you make on the Bungie Forums. I have not found anyway to do this. I noticed a thread that was made for LINKING these posts, but I have not actually found a forum dedicated to them, and I haven't found any explanation how to do so.

    Instead of poking around blindly trying to find the answer, I hope someone here will give me a decent walkthrough on what needs to be done. Once again, thank you.
  2. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey mate welcome to Forgehub! Nice intro and nice hobbies just like mine at times :p

    Hope you do think about getting an application for college soon then waiting a full year.

    For your question, its to the direct file. For example I looked in your file share and lets say you wanted to post the "Alpha Site" Clip to forgehub so for odd reason. Then you would make the thread and what not and have a direct link to the file itself vs the whole file share. Like this link here : : Halo 3 File Details Is what it should go to not this : : Halo 3 File Share

    Hope that helps mate!
  3. Grakus Arkadius

    Grakus Arkadius Ancient

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    Aaaah, that's what it meant. I can do that. Thank you.
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Niiice intro.

    Of course, make sure to read the rules, those are important.

    I can see potential in you...hope to see you around!
  5. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to the site man!

    For once someone has the same philosophy about college as me, I plan on doing the same thing you're doing currently. Take care brah.
  6. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It seems that more people think the same way about college as I do than I thought... lol, nice intro and I hope to see some cool stuff from you in the future.

    Off topic-ish:
    Has this introduction thingy been here always? I dont think I ever did one... maybe I'll get around to it some day.
  7. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to the site, JAG!
    Best. Initials. Ever.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy the site. The community here's usually friendly, and if they're not then I give you permission to take away their cookies.

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