YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 113 *Switches* Hai! I'm Homer! Yay for me being in a video with CMNeir. Ya'll jealous!
Well, H3Artificer has been around almost as long as ForgeHub has. People just haven't taken notice of it. Switches aren't like good maps, they're hard to come by. But when found, and used well, they can make Halo an entirely new game. Also, watch for a 5 episode series on Switches... Neir Productions and SourGruntProductions is doing a series with H3A. Yup.
Jealous? Psshh! Anyways, congrats on being on a video with them. Good luck on the series. I was actually on one Social Stupidity episode (can't remember, the one with darthmaul something) (I was in the lobby with several others). Also, I am friends with MidgetDance! /no one probably cares bwahaha