I swear to god that when I find a friend with a scanner I will rape the hell out of it... Till then you get these LQ photos of my drawing. =( As for the drawing, turned out amazingly. Her eyes are seductive in a way, lol. I made them darker and such. First time shading with color so I might not have done as well as possible. Responses would be great on how I could... get better. Lol
shading with color works by doing a different, darker color under what the main color will be there. say i wanted to do the american flag with ripples, i'd use light blue where the white was but dark blue where the red was, then color over with the red. I cant really tell if you did that with the hair but it looks like the face was done in a similar way to what i just described. Also cant tell if her face is actually yellow or if its just the lighting from where you took the picture. good job though, get working on your emblem entry now dude, I dont want someone stealing your idea and entering it before you.
Thanks and I will. Btw, she's asian so I guess she would be a lil yellow. Lol She actually has really pale yellow tinted skin. I don't have the colors to do that color though.
Dude it looks awesome. Best freehand drawing I have seen of anyone in Bleach, easily. Keep it up dude!