
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Elliot, Jan 23, 2010.

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  1. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Juvinile - A prison like no other


    Two months ago you witnessed a murder. You were completly innocent. The very man that commited the crime blamed everything on you. Ha, the odds.... For 12 weeks you fought for your innocence through countless trials, and countles interviews. But the whole world seemed to be against you. Now your in prison, starting out you 25 year sentance. But the thing is, this isnt just any prison, Ohhh no, this is the worst of all prisons stripped down to the bare minimum, with nothing to keep you sane. 500 miles from any civilisation in the middle of the sahara desert,
    you and your gang have just began to plan your escape.....

    Prison Information files
    Personel equiped with:

    Shotgun - M90A CAWS
    UNSC’s resident close-quarters assault weapon

    Magnum - M6G Pistol
    A recoil-operated, semi-automatic handgun. Accurate and utilitarian in design, it is the ideal sidearm for a wide variety of Wardens

    Armour - V6.34S Body armour
    High performance bullet proof full body armour

    Prison grounds:

    Front door:
    Camo (instant respawn)

    Out house:
    Camo (instant respawn)
    Overshield (Instant respawn)

    Watch tower situated at southern end of court yard

    Roof access:

    behind office
    above front door

    Mongoose - M274 ULATV x2
    Lightweight, all terrein transport vehicle
    Juvinile visual records
    Image one - Overview
    From the top:
    Ground floor - cells, 1st floor - showers
    Death pit/Confinement cell teleporter
    Door (just below mongooses)
    Court yard
    ^Image two - These are your cells, no beds no toilet. Just you, and the thick iron bars^
    ^Image three, view from the cells^
    Left, work table
    Right, confinement cell
    center, door (left to showers, right to office, death pit, cafeteria, court yard and Door
    ^Image Four, The showers^
    ^Image five, Office (teleporter leads to watch tower)^
    ^Image five, cafeteria^
    ^Image six, Death pit and teleporter to confinement cell. Choose your fate^
    ^Image seven, Court yard^
    ^Image eight, Watch tower^
    ^Image nine, the sewer, access unknown (shhh the wardens dont know about this place)^
    ^Image ten, key to the door^
    ^Image eleven, Outhouse, overshield and camo spawn^


    gametype: Infection

    Zombies at start: One
    Humans at start: Up to 15

    Zombie traits:
    Primary weapon - Shotgun
    Secondary weapon - Pistol
    Health: invunrable (assasinate to kill)
    Invisibility: Off
    Gravity: 100%
    Speed: 100%
    HUD: 150 meters

    Human traits:
    Primary weapon: Pistol (useless)
    Secondary weapon: None
    Health: None
    Invisibility Off
    Gravity: 100%
    Speed: 100%
    HUD: none


    Warden kill +5
    Inmate kill +1
    Last man standing +5

    Inmates objective: Either escape or kill the Warden.
    Find all 3 equipment
    Warden objective: Keep control of the inmates

    Honor rules:

    Dont kill the humans straight away, tell them what to do and give them challenges, e.g first to get a fusion coil to their cell, first to score a goal in the court yard or have a race :)
    If they break one rule you have the option to send them to the confinement cell.

    Only kill inmates if they break two fundimental rules:

    Attempting to assasinate you
    Attempting to escape
    Coming last in a challenge (optional)
    Persitantly not doing as they are told

  2. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Forerunner

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    Very nice... this has got to be the best prison map i've seen so far. The door mechanism is cool and the watch tower and sewers are both great additons. The map is also great looking and has perfect interlocking throughout. One thing you could try, though, is to switch the inmate kill points to -1. This usualy detters wardens from meaninglessly killing too many inmates, and would encourage the use of your death pit. Give it a try if you like. Up to you. 4.5/5
  3. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Parts of this map have been stolen from another.. this one.
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