Foundry 2Close4Comfort

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Grakus Arkadius, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Grakus Arkadius

    Grakus Arkadius Ancient

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    First off, I would like to tell you all right now that this map is terrible. No, really, it is. This was the first map I ever made in Forge, without the knowledge of No-Clipping (Ghost Merging), Fusing, Min-Max Glitching, and etc. The only reason I am posting this, is because I'm currently working on the V2, and I would like to show the VAST improvement on the map.

    Now, this map is, construction wise, actually pretty balanced. As the name suggests this is all about close range combat, but I went a little overboard with it. There are too many weapons on the map and I didn't take into consideration how good some players can be with weapons such as the Sniper Rifle or the Battle Rifle in close quarters, even against others with such weapons as the Shotgun or the Gravity Hammer.

    Weapons List:
    Assault Rifle (x3) -- Clips: 2 -- Respawn: 30 Seconds -- Place At Start: Yes
    Battle Rifle (x3) -- Clips: 2 -- Respawn: 30 Seconds -- Place At Start: Yes
    Shotgun (x8) -- Clips: 2 -- Respawn: 30 Seconds -- Place At Start: Yes
    Sniper Rifle (x2) -- Clips: 2 -- Respawn: 30 Seconds -- Place At Start: Yes
    Gravity Hammer (x1) -- Clips: NA -- Respawn: 30 Seconds -- Place At Start: Yes


    Frag Grenade (x6) -- Respawn: 10 Seconds -- Place At Start: Yes
    Plasma Grenade (x8) -- Respawn: 10 Seconds -- Place At Start: Yes
    Spike Grenade (x6) -- Respawn: 10 Seconds -- Place At Start: Yes
    Firebomb Grenade (x1) -- Respawn: 10 Seconds: Place At Start: Yes

    As you can clearly see... there are WAY too many weapons on the map. No thought was put into respawn rates or placing certain weapons on the map later in the game.

    The original concept for this map was to make a very tightly packed level where the players were forced to use close-range weapons, rather than long-range. It was partially successful. Most players who have played this map with me (I do not have any actions shots saved, this was months upon months ago) ignored the weapons such as the Sniper Rifle, but pretty much stuck with the Battle Rifle and the Shotgun. The map also made the players feel claustrophobic, as you could only see for a short distance before needing to take another corner or move out of the way of an object, for the most part.

    In that sense, the map was a success, even if the actual forging was quite... horrid. I've gone back through the level and I have found a lot of flaws in it, mainly one is that it IS possible to escape the level, and it's quite easy to do so. I would not suggest playing this with people you know who would abuse it, because for all of it's flaws, I still think it's an enjoyable Slayer Map.

    As of this current map, there are no designated locations or call-outs to really name any of the following screenshots, but my V2 will.


    As of right now, this map only supports Slayer, the second version will include Oddball, and King of the Hill. I'm thinking of including CTF, but that will be incredibly hard to balance.

    Until it's complete (It's about 25% done), I'll be skulking around the forums, commenting / downloading where I can. : Halo 3 File Details -- Map
  2. Lil FlipKid 8o8

    Lil FlipKid 8o8 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ergg.. id only wanna see the V2. If it has interlocking, geomerging, etc, then i would like to see it. The map looks like it could use alot of fixing. I know you said its just to show theres gonna be.. and if you need a forging partner, id be more than happy to help.
  3. Grakus Arkadius

    Grakus Arkadius Ancient

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    As I said, the second version will include that. Geo-Merging / Ghost Merging, Fusing, etc. I have most of the layout done now.

    I told you, it's total crap. Very, very bad. This is the FIRST map I made when Halo 3 FIRST came out.

    EDIT: Typo.
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map looks far better than other maps do without merging. And not merging isn't a bad thing, it's just not something you see anymore.

    Anyways, it really could be a neat map. You just have to not have so many power weapons right next to eachother. That ruins gameplay. Good luck with the v2, I hope ya do good!
  5. Grakus Arkadius

    Grakus Arkadius Ancient

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    <Nod> I'm currently doing some matchmaking with my Clan, so I'm not working on it right at the moment, but if anyone wants to help, just send me a tell on XBL. I have the basic layout carved now. Just need to put the details in along with the ceiling and weapons.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This seems more like a minigame map rather than a competitive map.
    Looks pretty clean for "pre-glitch knowledge" or whatever you wanna call it. some parts of this map are better than maps I've made, I am still a novice forger myself, I'm making an infection house right now, and its turning out pretty good.

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