Made these today, already used them, just wanted to put them out there so other people can look fancy and cool instead of having 4/5 at the end of their post. Embedd link is under the one that its for. HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG] HTML: [IMG][/IMG]
kinda large lol.. but hey if you sized them down a bit, you could probably get them submitted as emoticons.. look great though
hm yeah i would say a text sized one but also one in between.. those look too.. huge. it seems like something about half that size would be fitting for a forum because remember, the reason that there's a 500 px width limit on sigs is so that it doesn't stretch someone's page strangely if their resolution isnt that great or something. i would say if it were about half that size, it would be big and bold, but not too big and bold
should i submit just a full star and a half star as emoticons or do all the stars i have up there, if i do just one and the half then people could do whatever combo they want. also where do i do this submission thing?
hmm i would submit them all.. but maybe it would be easier to just submit a full/half star. and im not sure.. katanga got his accepted.. i would just PM insane about it or something
make the gradient less.... "white to black" and more "dark grey to black" and they'd look a lot better
the gradient is actually clear to black, the background star is light grey normally, do these sizes look good? or smaller yet. or is this size better
ok, asked insane about it, he should let me know when he comes to a decision about it, btw I used the small ones.