Screenshot of the Week, Week 5 Voting This is Forge Hub's Screenshot of the Week, equivalent to Signature of the Week in Graphics & Arts, except with Halo 3 screenshots. Each week I'll come up with a new theme, then you go out and capture a screenshot that represents that theme. The community then votes for which screenshot should win, and why. The submissions was a success and we got quite a few submissions. Last weeks theme was ODST, Congratulations to mooseIV with this picture! Each week I'll come up with a new theme, then you go out and capture a screenshot that represents that theme. The community then votes for which screenshot should win, and why. Feel free to recommend themes to me via This Thread 1 Week for submissions of the Screenshots and 1 week for voting. This Weeks Theme was Fire and Explosions. To Vote say the name of your favorite screenshot's maker. Submissions: Crypto nv mooseIV Alec944 Klaydude11 Ac3Snip3r Black Thereom mikelp Souperintendent SOTW 5 Voting Will End Saturday, January 30th and SOTW 6 Sumissions Will Commence.
Alec944 The light from the explosion is actually beaming onto his armor and makes the whole shot absolutely fantastic and realistic.
I, too, vote for Crypto nv. I just like the whole panoramic view, which makes it stand out from the other entries.
You see, this is why this movement (Screenshot OTW) needs more professionalism. Anyway, I vote for Crypto nv. It stands out from the rest and it is an overall fine scenery shot. EDIT: Based on what Klaydude11 said, I believe some strict rules should have been mentioned such as "Do not vote for yourself". Simple things like that can add more convenience to everyone. If I may add, you can also add a rule like "Please give a reason as to why you voted for that screenshot" to avoid possible biases. One more thing, I suggest you adjust your thread specifically on the words you put to bold. I happen to have a 'harder than normal' time to spot which theme is for this week's and last week's. You can probably add more spacing to your explanations and such and also making the "This week's theme was:" in a smaller font and the actual theme in bold letters with a bigger font below it.
Crypto nv His Just stands out from all others and has that look like what you see at the end of the world or after a major disaster... It just goes together like forge in halo!
Hey everyone I am back from my trip. Anyway, the other screen shots in this competition look really nice. Seeing as I cant vote for myself I'm gonna go with Alec944 because of the sick background effect produced.