Spawn Problem

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by patt06snipe, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Hey guys I've stumbled upon a problem with spawning in my infection gametype. The original idea was to have 3 alpha zombies spawn at the beginning of the game as well as 8 regular zombies spawning alongside of them. The other 5 players spawn as humans elsewhere on the map. The problem comes in with the 8 regular zombies spawning. In an infection game with 16 players with the start zombies set to 3 there will be 3 alpha zombies and 13 humans. My plan was to have 8 random humans spawn at a certain spot and then be killed thus turning into regular zombies. To do this I would place 5 human start points (these are the humans that are playing as humans the whole game) where they spawn. Then I would put 8 more human start spawns somewhere else so that they could die and become regular zombies.

    Here is what should happen in a normal game with this idea.

    • 13 humans spawn at start of game
    • 3 alpha zombies spawn at start of game
    • 5 humans spawn in playable zone
    • 8 humans spawn elsewhere where a timed event or something kills them thus turning them into zombies.
    • those 8 humans that died should then spawn where the 3 alpha zombies spawned and the game would be ready
    The problem is I don't know how to kill the 8 humans at the beginning of the game so they turn into zombies. I need some help.
  2. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    The only way they can be turned into zombies is to be killed by another zombie.
  3. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Ok I figured it out i think. I'm just going to have the 8 humans spawn into a boxed in space with fusion coils inside it then have a slit to where one of the alpha zombies can shoot in it or throw a grenade into it. This will kill them all and turn them into zombies.
  4. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    One problem: what happens if you play with less than 16 players, and everyone spawns where they can be killed by the zombie?
  5. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Ya after I posted that idea I thought of problems that might occur and yours was one of them. The way it works with less than 16 players is very simple. Ok lets just start out with 16 people in the game to get a basic understanding of how it works. You would have 1 alpha zombie spawn and then 15 humans spawn. I have placed 6 defender start points on the actual map for who will play as humans and then 9 more defender start points where the zombie can kill them. So at the beginning of a 16 player game there would be 1 alpha zombie who would then kill the 9 trapped humans thus turning them into 9 zombies with regular zombie traits. The 6 humans that spawned on the actual map would then try to survive for how ever long against a total of 10 zombies. That is the way it will work for a 16 player game.

    Now it starts to get a little complicated with less players but here is how it works. Ok, say it is a game of 12 players playing. There would be 1 alpha zombie and then 11 humans that spawn at the beginning of the game. Now as I said before, there are 9 defender spawn points in the area where the alpha zombie can kill them and 6 defender spawn points on the actual map. The only thing I am not completely sure about is if the game spawns the humans randomly in the start points or if it puts as many humans together as possible and then starts putting them in another spot. Example. Lets take the 12 players and spawn the alpha zombie, the 11 humans, if it is not random, should all spawn in precise spots. There might be 6 that spawn on the actual map and then the other 5 spawn in the trapped area and get killed by the alpha zombie. Or it may be the opposite, where 9 of the humans spawn at the 9 defender spawn points and the remaining 2 spawn at the 6 defender spawn points. Those are two possible ways of how it might work. Now for randomly selecting where humans will spawn.

    So lets take the same 12 players again and spawn an alpha zombie, the rest are humans, obviously 11. Now for randomly spawning the humans it might place 4 humans at the 6 start points on the actual map (lets call that 6ST) and the remaining 7 humans would then spawn at the 9 start points where the alpha zombie could kill them (lets call that 9ST). Ok, so lets take the same 12 and have the 11 humans randomly spawn again. It may spawn 5 at 6ST and the remaining 6 at 9ST, I just don't know. For a 14 player game it might be the same. 1 alpha zombie and 13 humans. It may spawn 6 humans at 6ST and the remaining 7 at 9ST.

    I can't answer your question any further than that as I don't know if it spawns humans randomly or fills up a specific area first. All of this will just have to be tested before with 16 controllers and 4 xboxes and just go down the list all the way to 2 players just to make sure it all works correctly. I only have 3 controllers so I might need some people to help me out if you have more than one controller. It would be much appreciated if you guys could help out.
    #5 patt06snipe, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2010

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