Minimum Number of Players: 6 Best Number of players: 8-16 Map Type: Interior To be played with: Virus Strain 57 Human Defence: Fixed Lockdown is the most compact, simple map layout of the VIRUS STRAIN 57 series (See Virus Strain 57 Post explaining more here). Taken all the way back down to the core concepts of the mode, Lockdown is a symmetrical layout with what should be a simple objective; defend 4 paths of undead from one central position, even with colour co-ordinated entrances to make it easy for the players to tell each other which way to shoot. Just say where the enemies are and shoot, sounds easy, right? Not so. The MTS (Motion Tracker System) on this level is in the final weapons box, so verbal communications is the only method of locating enemies for the majority of the level. The zombies can see through a slat in the second floor, so they can observe the human tactics, allowing them to hit the humans at their weakest point the hardest. The corridors into the base all open after a 10 second preparation period for both teams; the humans should designate positions to defend (best communicated with the names Red, Blue, Old and New) rather than exploring the pretty corridors, while the undead should use the time to find the Achilles heel in the human defence and distribute zombies to varied routes to disorientate and slaughter the humans below. After the ten second period, a red light indicates that the base is breached and when a zombie enters the base, a siren (Mancannon activation noise when used by zombies) will inform the humans that zombies will begin to pour in from a variety of directions. While at first the distance between the infected and the defence may appear defendable, as more humans fall, this dramatically changes as more flood from a more varied array of directions. The map is also called Lockdown for a reason; after set periods of time, doors appear, obstructing the line of fire for the defenders over time, making it significantly more difficult to defend and spot and kill zombies at a long range. This will stretch your teamwork skills to the limit. As for the infected, with co-ordination, timing and careful analysis, the defence can be breached and decimated within minutes. The map contains 4 weapons boxes, with shields sealing the doors ensuring that players who try to defend inside them are quickly cut down. The containers have a variety of weapons used to defend the base with, and unlike the other maps in the collection, its weapon loadout contains plenty of shotguns and BR’s to keep the undead hordes at bay. The map for the humans requires an immense amount of trust in teamates, since one human can only properly defend one route at once, meaning that their back is always turned to an entrance. This in turn means each team member is responible for watching others backs to watch their own. This becomes a very apparent point when humans begin to run out of ammo and have to make a weapon run... Screenshots Complete map view (Beneath). View of Human Spawn Interior. View of Zombie Spawn Exterior. View of Zombie Spawn Interior. First Breach: The human defence open fire as a comrade falls. United We Stand: Zombies are mowed down by the organised human squad. Zombie Spawn Hells Corridor: Humans successfully fight off waves of attackers, but who’s watching the sides? Red Mist: Chaos reigns as the human numbers dwindle. Heads up: A zombie eyes up its prey, choosing where to strike. Best Stumble Forwards: A zombie closes in on the defenders. Commando: A surviving human beats down a zombie then headshots another. Light Fuse: A human uses his head and lays an explosive trap. Run Away: The trap is sprung. Crowd Control: A zombie takes the full force of a shotgun to the head. Boxed lunch: The humans make the reckless decision of hiding in the weapon box, and pay the price. Having a blast: A human empties the contents of his rocket launcher into the undead hordes before submitting to the inevitable. Last Man Standing: But not for much longer. Divided we fall: The last human meets a grim fate. Not convinced? Watch an interview YouTube- Last Man Standing Ep.1 - LockDown By: Twilight Gnome To establish, out of the 6 months of thorough testing, in an 8+ player game, the map like my others, remains unbeaten. Please Comment and let me know if more information about the map is needed, as I will be happy to provide more tips specifically for the map, info on the stages of evolution Lockdown went through and more. More information on the mode itself will be released in the coming days. Dowload the Variant Here Dowload the Map Here Thanks and Happy Hunting, T.G.
I don't see a download link. Anyways, nice map. Looks fun. Right now, I can't think of anything you could do on your map.
Wow i like your idea to but the human at the midlle of the map ! Its more Tactical . 4.5/5 Cauz i dont play on the map but its looks cool . Maybe invite me to make a game on it ?
dude you finally posted this! after helping to test them i can say this is one of my favourites from the pack. Was that the interview that I joined like halfway through and lagged up? I've already played this and you know what i think so to everyone that didn't help test downoad this and play it because you wont be dissapointed.
I can see you made the tunnels longer, It was kind of difficult in the earlier stages but I managed. I can't wait to see what other revisions you have made to this and other maps.
You just posted this now? Oh man, we tested this SO long ago. Anyway, the map is fun, and addictive for the humans, but I don't really like being the zombie as much, simple because you die a lot... I'll download to see if any of the changes are significant.
yup it was..... Great map twilight, lots of fun to play with virtually any sized party. didnt get featured for nutin'
Remember playing this zonks ago, not sure if you've changed it much but it worked very well when I played it. Its a simple but innovative design which doesn't get
Remember playing this zonks ago, not sure if you've changed it much but it worked very well when I played it. Its a simple but innovative design which doesn't get old quick which is very hard to pull off. One of the only custom infection maps I've enjoyed playing on, great job TG.
This map looks incredibley fun, but, I think you need to make a V2 Those floors in the zombie and human spawn are just soo bumpy D: I might download if I have room
Hey KDC, just to let you know, the zombie spawn is flat other than the designated lowered wall slit in the middle, and as for the human spawn, the map has been made as smooth as possible. As for the 2nd version; it would actually make it the 5th version Cheers for the feedback and hope you decide to download the map, T.G.
Red. Blue. Old. New. Never have four words been so important in a game of Halo. Lockdown is a very fun game to play with groups. The inital appeal of weak zombies is enough to engross any casual player, but the more experienced ones will appreciate the tactics necessary. As the paths become harder to see down, the humans really have to co-operate to stay alive. One slip-up can cost the humans a considerable chunk of their team, so teamwork is essential. At first, zombie paths can be determined by ear (from the man-cannon noises), but once the BRs and SMGs start firing, you're only chance is to have everyone watching the routes and calling any zombies they see. Finally, getting more ammo can cost the entire team the game if the player does not make sure their section is covered. Remember, you will be the only person between the zombie and your friends. Overall, Lockdown has always kept me entertained, and I've even clocked up the rounds on the gametype just to play it for a longer period of time. This is my favourite map in the Virus Strain series, and I'm sure you'll all understand why.
Moran likes... d|----d^.^b-----|b that much very nice map, my one and only problem was when you start out, if everyone actually stays at there post and you have 8 humans at the starts, you will always have one person at each one, so its slow starting gameplay... till then though someone try's to pick up an energy sword and camp at the drop tunnel (guilty) and the ball starts rolling, good work... like you're other maps i did enjoy testing this alot. when are the others looking at release? i mean i havent seen change on them for a while but tested for months :/
Twilight Gnome u Did a Really Good Job on it Obi has showed me and its a very fun action packed game for 16 people! rate : 5/5 Well Done Cant wait to see another Map Oh i forgot to mention it probbebly be a good idea to add a grav lift or man cannon at the end of the tunnel so that Humans cant Camp when a zombie comes down
nah i also had these concerns, so I took the liberty of camping at one corner with both Br and Sword... does not end well for me my friend... i got a face full of sword, eventually, either you mess up and the guy gets you from above, or everyone else fails and they get you from then middle bit...
The holdout style gameplay on this map gets intense as the humans start burning through their ammo. Here you have a fun yet simple concept for infection. The game works out great with 12 people. Great job.
I DL'd this map, played it today and wasn't disappointed. The building tension is great for the humans but in our 6 man party the zombies did die a lot to the BR headshot making the infected gameplay sometimes a little frustrating. That said it is one of the best Custom Zombie maps i've played. 4.5/5 Because You die too much as a zombie. Just an added note. After reading your Virus Strain explanation thread i saw "What makes the game infection boring for the zombies is:· Overpowered humans; instant kill" Though the humans aren't overpower BR 1 shots are easy and subtract from the zombie experience. Could you please edit the gametype. My point may not be valid for larger parties as i am only speaking for a 6 man. With that said still an amazing map.
Thanks for your feedback Fred, my main point would be for starters is that the mode is to be played with an absolute mininum (As in 6 being the worst quality of gameplay and 16 being the best) usually I'd say the mininum should be 8, but in these harsh Forge times lacking of Halo players, the number was lowered to assure players the mode would still technically work, but wouldnt be up to its best potential. I think that you will find that if played with twice the number of players your experience will be much more fun and the game will balance itself out; the 2 main advantages of the zombies is the map and numbers; especially on this one, so a decent sized party to compensate always helps. T.G.
Brilliant job TG, having been playing these since the early testing stages I was pretty certain of what to expect, but OH NO! Its even better! The forging skills utilised are excellent and the gameplay is different every time, as you have always said, the key is to work as a team, and that has become an even higher point than before. Excellent work, and I would recommend to anyone who views this map.