My updated map Great for FFA and CTF Sorry in a hurry: Alright this is an awesome map for FFA and CTF mainly, if you can see in my 3rd pic the cover on the far left of the pic (the walls) you can actually drop down if your being shot at or just want a clean escape, to me this was a really cool feature. The bases are not identicle because i had originally made it for FFA's but ended up adding CTF into the map. This is my frist map i've ever made so please leave feedback and DOWNLOAD! thanks, -xRiZecoN DOWNLOAD HERE!!! Screens:
looks awesome... love the roofs on houses, great job... only thing i can suggest is add a bigger description, but otherwise, im DLing, looks great :]
This looks a lot like some of the MLG maps I've seen out recently. I can see Onslaught. Were you by any chance inspired by "MLG Inertia," or "Lao Tzu Pagoda?" Great map man, very pretty.
your map is extremely plain because it like 70% of the map is at the same level hight, no well designed rooms, lacks dimension and uniquness.
looks cool but um maybe a lil more cover on the ground but ill download once i delete old crap bcuz i got the gay 100 custom content =(
Definately. Its the side ramps that are almost identical Only real difference is theres a platform in the middle instead of the "bridge" onslaught has.Anice looking map nonetheless
alright sorry just got back from a soccer trip to florida for a week, i was in a mad rush to complete this map and post it on here so sorry for no description and i will put up shortly, and criticism is appriciated =P
This looks like a good map. The MLG standard of forged maps is that they would have to be incredibly clean, no offense but this is far from being an MLG map. Although, in the future could you not try to promote your maps in your posts on other people's threads.
how can a map lack dimensions? and not all maps need to have rooms, some maps are designed to be open warfare-like maps. and having the majority of a map at the same level isn't really a problem either, many great maps were created this way, you don't even give a reason for your comments. anyway, back on topic, some of the rooftops look a little crooked, but in the heat of battle it wouldn't be noticed. i've never played onslaught so i don't know what the similarities are, but it still looks great.
The bases are DEFINITELY based off those from onslaught, and the bridges leading up to the sniper perch is too. Reminds me of it a bit, but it's still your map. Good Job!
that is basically what i was going to say ivory... except i have played onslaught, and it definately has some similiarities...
yes, thank you ^^^^^, and yes its somewhat like onslaught but when you play it you find their are a some major and even minor differences.
If I could make a suggestion, I think you should delete one of the interlocked wall corners and replace it with one fence wall so you can get in one side and shoot out the other. Do this only on the ones on the ground obviously.
I actually think it looks pretty good. It's neat, organized, and tidy, a nice break from all the weird maps I've been seeing lately.