While fighting on Ghost Town a while back, an interesting little lag-related glitch happened to me, that was so cool that I would love to have it in Reach. Now, when you die in Halo 3, the camera is immediately knocked out of your body into an orbiting camera from which you can switch to your teammates. That last part is fine, and should be kept in Reach. However, during my aforementioned glitch, when I was assassinated off of a ledge, my view stayed first-person inside my dead body as it fell face-first into the ground. Frankly, that was f***in' cool. I'd love it if the camera initially stayed first-person when you died in Reach, but you'd have the option to hit the d-pad and switch to your teammates as usual. I think it would just be a cool ability, to stay in your helmet after death until you respawn again. That way, you could potentially "be" a Spartan throughout an entire match, which could help with the immersion factor. Just a thought. Besides, just imagine being teabagged, in first-person. EDIT: Here's a good example of what I'm thinking of, for the visual learners. YouTube- GMod - First Person View Death Umm... I already said that.
Yes, really... I'm sorry, but I just don't want to imagine getting teabagged in first person. Although it would kinda look cool dying in first person I don't want to hear someone over the mic saying "That's what you get for killing me that last time thinking your so good." Or some crap like that.
well on the reach forum they had the exact same post that you posted here. the guy on the halo reach forum (you maybe) said you could switch to your teammates if you thought it would be annoying
The first person death thing is cool but you wouldn't be able to see your body go flying everywhere. I'm all for it but maybe a setting to switch between 1st and 3rd person body cam.
This sounds like a great idea, although Bungie aren't particularly well known for having such high-resolution textures in their games. If you had a first person view as your body landed face-down, you'd probably end up seeing a pretty low quality ground texture.
Isn't first person death to do with bad connections, host switching, and lagging? Same with the 'spawn timer of death' (Stays at 5 seconds, happens to me often)
Another thing that I was thinking about is being able to control how you die. If you have played EA's "Skate 2" you are given the ability to control how you fly in the air (do tricks, flail arms, control angle, etc...). Imagine doing that if you are airborne. It would seem cool because I get annoying when deaths look synchronized (like lasering a warthog, all 3 people die the same way at the same time- looks stupid...) If you have no clue about what I am talking about: YouTube- skate 2 hall of meat bail glitch tutorial get an image? On the topic of first person, yes it would be amazing...except the teabagging part. here is a video if you have never seen this (falling through the skybubble FTW!) first person passengers is another first person thing that I want (back to Halo:CE!)
Another thing that I was thinking about is being able to control how you die. If you have played EA's "Skate 2" you are given the ability to control how you fly in the air (do tricks, flail arms, control angle, etc...). Imagine doing that if you are airborne. It would seem cool because I get annoying when deaths look synchronized (like lasering a warthog, all 3 people die the same way at the same time- looks stupid...) If you have no clue about what I am talking about: YouTube- skate 2 hall of meat bail glitch tutorial get an image? On the topic of first person, yes it would be amazing...except the teabagging part. here is a video if you have never seen this (falling through the skybubble FTW!) first person passengers is another first person thing that I want (back to Halo:CE!)
I see what you mean, but I'm talking about the death cam after you die, and it wouldn't make sense for you to be able to control that. Also, Halo isn't a stunt game, and controlling your body's flailing isn't what the game is about.
I'm all for it. It's a great idea. But lagging would make it look crap. And being teabagged in first person would be disturbing.
Why is everyone concerned about lag? Of course lag would make it suck. Lag makes everything suck. What's your point?
Yea, it isn't a stunt game, but it would spice up the way that you die so that people don't look like clones when they die. Im not saying that people should be able to do like tricks, but maybe just control their arms and legs with the sticks or something. Also, I am aware that you meant after death 1st person.
That would be largely unnecessary mikelp. What if you fall into lava or into the sun or something, and then you get temporarily blinded from the intense light?