I was wondering if it was mark IV..though I though Mark IV didn't have energy shields? It was some kind of emission that slowed the projection of bullets but spartans could still only take like 3 shots. Plus the plasma weapons cut straight through to skin in like one blast. Or at least in certain instances without spoiling a part of one of the books.
I believe that the Spartan III's in Noble Team are wearing Mark IV or V armor instead of their usual designated SPI armor, but all of their armor looks heavily customized for whatever 'class' each of them may be.
Bungie stated in an article that to some hardcore fans of the deep lore and backstory will likely be upset at a couple of the inconsistencies. Thats likely one of them. Just some minor sacrifices for great gameplay. They said that their primary goal with Reach was to create a kick ass game, then mold a story around it so to speak, whereas in the past they kinda had a story and path laid out for them already that they had to uphold (MC against the universe in H1-3). This was from an interview from Edge Magazine. Its on their website, along with a couple other brief articles/blurbs about the game if you click around a bit. Stuff about bending the 360 as far as they possibly can.
Yeah using a type of modified Mark IV would suite the game very well. It would add your traditional Spartan look, but make them weaker, but as you said for those of us who know the halo universe in and out it will be kinda a dissapointment. But lets face it the S III"s are not that much better than and ODST other than the augmentation but they die just as easy as any other human. So giving them better armor makes it more of a halo game then a book. And Jorge has to be wearing Mark V right? i mean he is a S II.
The new update is up, check it out here. Because the video used pictures, I'm putting some of them here. These are not leaked, they are from the video itself.
Is it just me or do the Skirmishers make Jackals look like babies haha. They are so much bigger and meaner looking like Jackals on steroids.
I think thats what he meant. Just listening to that video, can anyone else hear something in the music at about 1 minute? It might just be music from a prior game, in that case its just Gravemind or one of the Forerunner AI. But if its new music then we have a new voice... ooooh Also, he said we're not going to see all of the weapons from prior games. I guess that means the Brute weapons. No Spiker, too similar to the SMG and Plasma Rifle, and no Brute Shot because its likely we'll be seeing a human grenade launcher (looking at the ammo some of the characters are hauling around). No Chopper, but we do get civilian vehicles, and no Prowler... but thats not such a big loss. Edit: And those are some freaky gelogical structures! All those near-vertical formations!
yeah that one drawing of Carter or the girl had a really odd looking gun on her back. Also they said the mp will have what h3's got and alot more. So idk that just sparks more hope for an map maker.
I believe they are probably referring to the gametypes/gameplay (I.E. H3 is highly about 4v4 and smaller conflicts). It looks like Reach is gona pull that good ol' large scale battle more than likely better than CE or 2 did. Mix that with H3's awesome 4v4 styled gameplay and that's one hell of a game.
Can anyone say 3d radar? I'm guessing this because right at the edge of the screen there is a skirmisher that is up a little bit and it has a line dropping from the bottom of it. Either this or I have no clue what that is. The second thing that I notice is that his/her cross-hair is not centered...
Sark commented saying something of a new 3-d mapping radar. It'd confuse the hell out of me if it pulled up a picture of what i was shooting at in the left hand corner. But in mm if you wanted to be a douch you could always tell who your killing. hahahaha
It's possible they've dropped the aiming reticule, or turned it into an augmentation. It's technically part of the armor so it could be that their armor doesn't employ this.
I dont know if 3d radar is confirmed, but i hear lots of talk about it. and i cant remember from the article
Umm there is a reticule in the magazine picture. Its read and its sort of off center of where it should be but its there. I think its because of how the picture goes right through the center of the magazine so half is on one page and half is on the other.
It's obviously part of the HUD, since it's yellow. I'm assuming the recharge bar for the armor ability he is holding, which I bet is the sprint ability.
might wanna change the bit in the OP about the HUD being yellow, its blue now. just sayin EDIT: oh and the ridicule, that was a glitch in the build they were using... the ridicule got thrown off to the side when screencapping, it was confirmed by a bungie employee from what i hear. as for the blurred part between his legs.. looks like text.. maybe its the mission objective?