Killing Grounds

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Conkerkid11, Jan 21, 2010.


What Do You Think Of Killing Grounds So Far?

  1. Feature Worthy!

    4 vote(s)
  2. Great, But Not Feature Worthy!

    7 vote(s)
  3. Good... I Like It, But Not Very Much!

    1 vote(s)
  4. Poor... It Needs Major Improvement!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Camp grounds usually tend to be full of pitched tents, blazing fires, and happy families. But not Killing Grounds... Killing Grounds is set on a deserted island just a few miles off of Maui. Claimed by the United States Government, Killing Grounds specifically earned its name from the thousands of weapons tested daily. With an area of about 700 square miles of flat, open desert. There's question behind what the Government might actually be testing there. Some say the island doesn't exist, and some say that it does. Though the Government does try and force the public to believe otherwise, some just have to see things for themselves to believe.​

    Killing Grounds has a population of 100 people as of today. The Government was forced to allow civilians to live on the island, proving that it was not used for weapons testing. The civilians lives were documented, and footage was recieved from all around the world of the travesty that occured there...​

    Some say that aliens exist, and nobody says they don't. On January 21st of 2053, a UFO crash-landed into one of the Government offices set up on Killing Grounds, and one of the documentary cameras recorded it... Over 10 billion people witnessed a real UFO crashing down onto Earth. When the United States Government sent Officials to Killing Grounds in order to claim the UFO, the whole island had vanished. ​

    A few days ago on January 21st of 2060, an unkown source posted the below photos of Killing Grounds onto their Facebook page. The images aren't confirmed to be real yet, but without a doubt, were taken on Killing Grounds. Scientists and nerds of the world alike, believe that the images were taken by a helmet camera worn by an Alien of some sort. But these are just speculations.​





    It has only been a little more than a week since the mysterious Facebook images of Killing Grounds showed up, and already the very same Facebook page has been updated showing Killing Grounds from what is believed to be a satellite. Although these images aren't confirmed to be real, Government officials responded to the public quickly by stating that these were private property of the Government, and that they don't know how somebody could have accessed them. In all honesty, we think the Government has no idea where these images came from, and that they aren't in fact their property.

    The Facebook page has been deleted, along with the images displaying Killing Grounds. Though we found the very same satellite images in just seconds...




    This just in, the White House in Washington D.C. has just been attacked, and invaded by something not of this world! The whereabouts of the President are unknown, and the Military has blockaded every entrance to Washington D.C. Any footage acquired by the Government containing images of this incident have been taken away, and kept in protection in Washington D.C. All civilian vehicles, aerial and ground attempting to reach Washington D.C. have been destroyed without warning by the Military. It's obvious the Government wants to contain the situation, but why?

    Security camera footage of Killing Grounds has just recently been leaked over You Tube. Although the Government might have seemed too focused on Washington D.C. to rid the Internet of any alien footage, the security camera footage was deleted within seconds. The President has been presumed dead, and the alien threat seems to have been dealt with. Though Washington D.C. is still in quarantine.

    News stations everywhere have recently been playing the same security camera footage that was removed by the Government from You Tube. Although the footage has been layered down to just images, the News stations do not have the ability to shut them off. The footage is played repeatedly day in and day out. The Government still denies everything we suggest... Perhaps there's finaly something out there the Government can't control...

    Each security camera image contains the date it was taken on, the terminal it was taken from, and the time it was taken at. It seems as though each camera was triggered at a specific time... We have yet to find out if these are in fact the original security cameras set up around Killing Grounds, or if they are new cameras set up by aliens. The images appear to be real, and humans have been spotted in a couple images... None have yet to be identified.
















    Killing Grounds was created by me; Conkerkid11. Although it has not been released yet, most of you have played it before. If you haven't, you would know... It is a VIP variant that operates and plays much like "Cave Freaks" by Insane54, and Shock Theta. But also, kinda like "Manifest: Help's On The Way, Right?" the team without a VIP has access to four teleporters that all lead to different parts of the map, unable to be seen by the VIP's team. ​

    For those of you who have not yet played either "Cave Freaks" and/or "Help's On The Way, Right?" yet, I'll explain how it works to you. ​

    In the game "Killing Grounds" only one team out of two teams has a VIP. The team and the VIP must pass through all ten goals placed around the map using teamwork in order to win the round. Only reaching a goal will reward the VIP team points, and kills will not. The non-VIP team begins at the bottom of a hill not too far from the VIP team. Each is equipt with a sword, and slight invisibility. Being aliens (More like Predators, but whatever...) the non-VIP team can jump high and run very fast, so the VIP team must stay alert, and cautious at all moments of time.

    Throughout the map, you might notice a theme going on. Such as all the exploding vehicles, and sand. The first exploding vehicle lands near the tents that the VIP team starts by. This exploding vehicle does not change gameplay at all, and is purely an aesthetic. The second exploding vehicle is down the hill blocking the building's entrance. You must wait for the fusion coils to blow it up, and vanish before you touch it. DO NOT TOUCH IT!!! The third and final exploding vehicle is hornet blocking the exit to the building. DO NOT TOUCH IT!!!

    The rest is simple from there... But of course none of this effects you guys, because "Killing Grounds" hasn't been released yet. Just remember this if you're a tester "DO NOT TOUCH THE VEHICLES OR THEY WILL NOT VANISH LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO!!!"

    If you managed to reach this paragraph, I'm proud of you. If you skipped to this paragraph, then go back and read the italic text so you get a gist of the map and game type. I will be updating this thread regularly with images, and info. By the way... "The end is coming soon..."


    "Beware The Helnaut..." - What has this phrase and that image got to do with anything? Well the helnaut is a part of Killing Grounds. Much like the Grindnaut in Manifest, the Helnaut gets its title from the power it wields in the Hornet. Hel goes with Heli, and naut sounds cool. Beware this bad boy, as he will come out after 120 seconds to unleash his fury on the VIP team.​

    "Deja vu..." - Once again, just like in Cave Freaks by Insane54, and Shock Theta. The epic ending with the Hornet is back. Except this time, you'd better hope your teammates aren't against you, otherwise the Hornet could wind up in the wrong hands. Perhaps even in the hands of an alien.​
    #1 Conkerkid11, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
  2. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet, I loved cave freaks and Manifest. I would like to test this map if you don't mind. I've read the rules. Basically, I wont touch anything. I'll just let the map play itself. Nice Map Dude. Send an invite to J1MMY SQUIRREL.
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I played this the other day with you guys. It was quite fun. Basically, it's exactly what I thought Asset was lacking. It keeps things simple, but runs at a nice pace and is enjoyable whether you are attacking or defending. The checkpoints are well positioned, the different places the zombies start at demands teamwork on both sides, and the aesthetics are quite marvelous. I can't wait to play more games on it. Looking forward to its release.

    S4L PSYCHOPATH Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i dont get this map and what is it ment to be about? im confused
  5. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please read the italic text underneath the images, and all your questions will be answered.

    The main thing I'm working over and over again in my mind is if I should remove the very first warthog explosion. It takes up roughly $150 budget... I guess I could run a seperate version without it, and see if anyone notices. It was at first a neccessary aesthetic to Killing Grounds, because it lit up the dark. Killing Grounds used to be very dark...


    "Beware The Helnaut..." - What has this phrase and that image got to do with anything? Well the helnaut is a part of Killing Grounds. Much like the Grindnaut in Manifest, the Helnaut gets its title from the power it wields in the Hornet. Hel goes with Heli, and naut sounds cool. Beware this bad boy, as he will come out after 120 seconds to unleash his fury on the VIP team.​
    #5 Conkerkid11, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2010
  6. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow you did a great work for your picture ! Anyway the map and the concept looks great to play ! I will be here for the test if you want !
  7. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! You're the first one to have complemented on the pictures! That's not the regular HUD ya know... Lol. The map and concept are great, actually. And I almost just got finished with what I thought would be my final test (After about 20 of them!) when suddenly my screen got fuzzy, froze, and my Xbox 360 displayed no rings whatsoever. I quickly turned it off, waited awhile, turned it back on and I had the three Red Rings of Death... (Thanks Microsoft!)

    It's been like two years since I'd gotten my Xbox 360, and I don't think I'll be able to just go "Warranty!" out of nowhere... Unless my warranty is still void, lol.

    But anyways, it was fun, and everybody loved it. It's too bad Killing Grounds can't be released until I get my Xbox 360 up and working again... Right before Bioshock 2's release, right when I got my Live back... This is all such a hassle...
  8. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I suggest getting someone who played it with you to save it, and the gametype. Start a 48 Hr. Then get the stuff and place it on there..
  9. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love this.
    Pictures: <3
    Map: <3
    Gametype: <3
    Backstory: <3

    A whole lot of hearts. Good luck with this, as it sounds tremendous.
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually, you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make you all sit here, and suffer while I wait for Microsoft to repair my Xbox. Killing Grounds is set to release the day I recieve my Xbox in the mail. It might be three weeks, or a month, or maybe even longer.

    I'm sorry guys, but I wanted to get this one perfect before I released it. The gametype needs a quick fix, and I'm afraid that it's been too long since the last game played on Killing Grounds.

    Ya know the funniest thing about this map, is that the gametype is named "Killing" and the map is named "Grounds...." because "Killing Grounds" together shows up as "Blam!" Lol...

    Given To Fly, to be honest with you, this is my only fun map by far. Even though the rounds are 6 minutes long, and there's 6 rounds in a game, people in the lobby still beg to play it again and again... Hehe... This'll be a fun wait for ya'll!

    Hey, and maybe you guys will get lucky, and I won't have internet by the time my Xbox comes back... D:


    It has only been a little more than a week since the mysterious Facebook images of Killing Grounds showed up, and already the very same Facebook page has been updated showing Killing Grounds from what is believed to be a satellite. Although these images aren't confirmed to be real, Government officials responded to the public quickly by stating that these were private property of the Government, and that they don't know how somebody could have accessed them. In all honesty, we think the Government has no idea where these images came from, and that they aren't in fact their property.

    The Facebook page has been deleted, along with the images displaying Killing Grounds. Though we found the very same satellite images in just seconds...
    #10 Conkerkid11, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I typed up something very long, but it didn't submit. To put it short... I'm not releasing Killing Grounds until my Xbox arrives. I might not even have internet then, but we'll keep our hopes up. Sorry guys, but with how many more changes I wanna make, I'm not letting some fool do it for me.
  12. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This stupid Database Error thing is going to be the end of me. I've typed this shorter and shorter about five times now... Killing Grounds will not release until I recieve my Xbox you guys... I don't have the pictures, I don't have the gametype set up, and I don't wanna mess with it until I can be sure it's finished.

    Sorry guys, but this might take awhile... Maybe if Microsoft would just replace my Xbox, and fix the broken one later I might have it within the next week. D:
  13. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dam so theres no testing this map for awhile?

    if so that blows hard.
    this map and the idea sound like great fun. im being straight up with you too. seriously, be sure to invite me to the testing i really want to play this map because i can tell just from the pictures and your dedication (waiting tell your xbox gets back just to make an adjustment of the gametype) that this is going to be well worth the wait
  14. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The update is such a tease, Conker. I'm intrigued by the different structures, those walls especially. Wouldn't ten destination points make for a really long game, though? I still am loving it, nonetheless. Expect a DL from me.
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    About 15 new images have been added, along with a new portion of the Killing Grounds story! Get ready to be overwhelmed! Cuz I just found out that Forge Hub allows us to go beyond the 20 image per post limit! WOOOOOOT!

    This just in, the White House in Washington D.C. has just been attacked, and invaded by something not of this world! The whereabouts of the President are unknown, and the Military has blockaded every entrance to Washington D.C. Any footage acquired by the Government containing images of this incident have been taken away, and kept in protection in Washington D.C. All civilian vehicles, aerial and ground attempting to reach Washington D.C. have been destroyed without warning by the Military. It's obvious the Government wants to contain the situation, but why?

    Security camera footage of Killing Grounds has just recently been leaked over You Tube. Although the Government might have seemed to focused on Washington D.C. to rid the Internet of any alien footage, the security camera footage was deleted within seconds. The President has been presumed dead, and the alien threat seems to have been dealt with. Though Washington D.C. is still in quarantine.

    News stations everywhere have recently been playing the same security camera footage that was removed by the Government from You Tube. Although the footage has been layered down to just images, the News stations do not have the ability to shut them off. The footage is played repeatedly day in and day out. The Government still denies everything we suggest... Perhaps there's finaly something out there the Government can't control...

    Each security camera image contains the date it was taken on, the terminal it was taken from, and the time it was taken at. It seems as though each camera was triggered at a specific time... We have yet to find out if these are in fact the original security cameras set up around Killing Grounds, or if they are new cameras set up by aliens. The images appear to be real, and humans have been spotted in a couple images... None have yet to be identified.

    Edit: Uggghhh... I wish Forge Hub would get well soon, cuz this shouldn't be a double post. Panncakez has a post before this one that isn't showing up. Don't you dare infract me! I haz rightz!
    #15 Conkerkid11, Jan 31, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010

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