Map Title: PRISON BREAK This is NOT Cops and Robbers! Recommended # of Players : A true riot requires a full party of 16 You're enjoying your normal breakfast of coffee and donuts when all of a sudden you hear, "The prisoners are starting a riot! Some prisoners are escaping!" You are the men in blue, the guards. Your job is to keep the prisoners contained and not to let them take over the prison. You are armed with a pistol and shotgun... along with your riot gear body armor. You will start out stationed at various locations throughout the facility. The prisoners will start out in their cells. They made a bunch of explosives using cleaning chemicals and materials from the auto shop ( grenades ). They also plan to stick the donut-eating guards with their knives for all the mistreatment they've received over the years. There are some various equipment and weapons on the map including : Grav lift Energy Drain Flare Deployable Shield Sniper Rifles Battle Rifles Grav Hammer ( hammer ) Flame Thrower ( torch ) Spikers ( nail guns ) Shotguns Plasma Rifle ( plasma torch ) Overshield Invisibility MAP IMAGES : Spoiler Prison Cells Auto Shop Prison Gate Administration Building A couple of the guard sniper towers... A couple more guard sniper towers... PRISON RIOT Game Type Settings : Spoiler Initial Zombie Count : 25% Number of Rounds : 3 Time Limit : 7 minutes Alpha Zombie Traits ( lead prisoners ): Damage Resistance : 200% No Shields Immune To Headshots : Disabled Primary Weapon : Energy Sword Grenade Regeneration : Enabled Infinite Ammo : Enabled Weapon Pickup : Enabled Speed : 125% Gravity : 100% Vehicle Use : Full Use No Sensors Waypoint : Visible to Allies Forced Color : Prison Orange Zombie Traits ( prisoners ) : Damage Resistance : 150% No Shields Immune to Headshots : Disabled Primary Weapon : Energy Sword Grenade Regeneration : Enabled Infinite Ammo : Enabled Weapon Pickup : Enabled Speed : 125% Gravity : 100% Vehicle Use : Full Use No Sensors Waypoint : Visible to Allies Forced Color : Prison Orange Base Player Traits ( prison guards ) : Damage Resistance : 100% Normal Shields Shield Recharge Rate : 90% Immune to Headshots : Disabled Primary Weapon : Shotgun Secondary Weapon : Magnum Infinite Ammo : Enabled Weapon Pickup : Enabled Speed : 110% Gravity : 100% Vehicle Use : Full Use No Sensors Waypoint : Visible To Allies Forced Color : Blue Last Man Standing Traits ( head prison guard ) : Damage Resistance : 200% Normal Shields Shield Recharge Rate : 50% Grenade Regeneration : Enabled Speed : 125% Waypoint : Visible To Everyone Forced Color : White The prison cell area does have a couple of secret ways to escape. One path leads to a guard tower and invisibility. The other path leads into the Administration Building. You just need to search the cells to find out which ones have secret exits... *hint* think underground sewer pipes and vent shafts Download Prison Break Download Prison Riot A few action pics : Spoiler Another way into the central sniper tower... A prisoner used the vents and got access to a sniper rifle quickly... The head guard takes out a prisoner... This is actually a remake of an old map I had, but never posted. I decided to remake it using ghost merging techniques. Not really too concerned about feedback. I usually just post my maps because I've started seeing a lot of people stealing my maps and claiming it as their own. I hope you guys enjoy it... and if you're a prisoner, remember that you do have infinite grenades and can kill guards with them.
Thanks. I would have to say I used ghost merging for nearly the entire map... even when I didn't really need to. I used the technique just so I could place a piece specifically where I wanted it to go once I had the piece braced properly. The prison cells definitely took the most amount of time, especially when I started to surround myself in. I wanted to make it so that the cells were on multiple levels... like real state prisons. The entire 2nd level should be flush with the loading dock on Foundry. I find myself going back to a lot of my old maps and fixing some things using the new ghost merging techniques. This map, I just decided to redo the entire map and improve on what I saw wrong with the old one.
Very nice. I rly like this. The cells are beautiful. The admin building is cool. I dont rly like the duck hunt sniping tower thing. But other than that it's awesome. -Ninji
The "Duck Hunt sniping tower is supposed to simulate the outer wall of a prison. There is a series of bridges that you can walk across connecting tower to tower, kinda like a castle wall.