Like the effect, not the colors. They feel very boring and don't please my eyes, the right side of the c4d seems to sharp compared to the left. He's overly sharpened and looks somewhat pixelish. The font is too blurry and isn't very eye pleasing, I propose sharpening it so it stands out from the BG a lot. Rule of Thirds. He is centered. The mike is blurred on the back but sharp at the front, looks off. For a positive side, the lightning is really cool. On a negative side, he looks like Miley Cyrus's dad
Let me explain my piece more. It's all about depth. This signature has different planes of depth. The very front most plane is the C4D on the right. I did not blur or sharpen it. The next plane is Kurt himself, the focal. This plane is slightly sharpened (maybe I over did it as you stated). Then the next plane is the C4D on the left, I moderately blurred it. Then the text, (this is why I blurred the text, it's not supposed to stand out). Lastly is the C4D in the background, very blurred. I hope this explains my ideas more. I know the rule of thirds. It's not the law of thirds. I thought it looked better with him centered. As I explained above, the mic is in front of Kurt, so it was not on my "focal plane." But I see what you're saying, I didn't mean to keep the front sharp. Thanks. :[ Anyways, thanks for the CnC man, it's pretty rare nowadays.
Nono I got the idea, I just think it's a little to sharpened on the right, and he is too. I also got that you wanted the text hidden, but thought it could be more fun if it kinda "popped" out. Maybe try cropping it right next to the left side of his guitar, and a little off the end of the mike and show how it looks, might look nice IMO. Ya I noticed the lack of CnC, what has happened in my absence?
I'll try those suggestions. I've been gone for a while too. The GnA section has lost some of its luster.
This is very nice, especially the background. The only problems I see are on his clothes. It looks just a little too sharp and pixelated. Especially on his necklace.
I agree with you completely, WHALES, on the fact that the G&A section is indeed slowly fading away in terms of activity. As for the sig, I don't really like the colors as well, as stated by The Effected. Nice blending of text, good bg choice, but the lightning is a bit over-sharpened IMHO.
and I'm not critiquing every other thread, and occasionally posting something. (cough cough this is reaper of bunny/clouded apple cough)
Welcome to the world signatures. Photograph classes don't apply here. In fact, sometimes it's the whole point. Good blend of colors, sharpened just fine. Good job. And forgehub is dying. It's not because Mace is spamming with signatures. Because it was lively before that.
Welcome to the world of art. It's art basics, really. It is generally applied in photography, but is also commonly used in art. Forgehub has been on a decline since off topic become controlled
The rule of thirds is perhaps the most insignificant rule in the history of rules. Ignore it. I like the colors and the overall look, but I don't think the C4D's work too well with the render. Also, I'm not a fan of the aliasing on the guitar strings and the electric bolts.
The rule of thirds is more of a guideline or suggestion... anyways, I like the way it looks, it could stand to have different colors but other than that I like it. Well actually maybe slightly blur the right because it looks like its right next to him intead of in the back... unless thats what you wanted. btw i dont think forgehub itself is dying as much as Gna, less and less people are coming around here just bout every day... It sucks that input is becoming rare now.
Stock actually, and I didn't do anything to the guitar strings. Actually if you look, the C4D on the right is in front of him.
I'm really not liking the C4Ds. They really out of place, unnatural. It just doesn't make sense to me. He's sitting there playing guitar, in what?, a sea of lava colored bubbles? The lightning doesn't make any sense either, why is it there? So far I see an electrical storm in a sea of tar bubbles. Unless you trying to recreate one of his heroine overdoses, this doesn't make any sense at all.
Since when does a signature need to make sense. Take Ravnzcroft's signature, when do colorful lines float behind self standing letters.