I am 95% done creating a Multi-Team map for the specific gametype of Neutral Flag. I found a gametype of Neutral Flag on the Bungie.net files forum but apparantly that only has the capability of having two teams. Multi-Team has four teams so right now I'm screwed. Does anyone have a gametype that will work with four teams in Neutral Flag? If this gametype is impossible, please notify me. I suppose my map will work as KoTH but I'd really like for it to be Neutral Flag. Thanks a bunch.
yeah, like the other guy said, it's impossible to have more than 2 teams in a game of CTF how does Neutral Flag work? I've never seen or heard of it.
Nuetral flag is a modded (awesome) gametype. But however, those are not supported on forgehub. Also, as awesome as it would be to have multi-team in CTF, it's not out there as far as I know.
I found a glitched gametype on the the bungie files forum. It has something to do with neutral assault and spawning both the flag spawn and bomb spawn in the same place. I'm not sure how it works, sorry. But it does work. -
Remove that link. It's a modded gametype and not allowed here on ForgeHub. As for your problem, try using neutral assault. Even if you can't get more than two teams (not sure on that), at least you won't have to use a modded gametype.