I hate "Forger's Block"

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ultsf, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    So, I'm working on my re-vamp of Dust and Echoes. Right now, I'm in the planning stage (you know, making sure that I have enough objects for what I want to do).

    I've got the bridge parts down. They are pretty much all set (except for something I may throw in later).

    But the bases. I've got such massive "forger's block" (I don't know if the term has been used before or not; but if not, then I'm creating it).

    I know what I want to do, and how I want it to look, but I can't figure out any more.

    Does this happen to anyone else?
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    When I'm not actually forging, meaning I'm drawing it on pen and paper, I get forger's block all the time.
    I'll be sitting at work and I'll come up with an interesting idea but I can't really figure out how to get it on the paper.
    I've found that the best cure for this, for me at least, is to build all of what I have drawn into forge and then just mess around with the rest of the uncertain parts.
    You'd be surprised what kind of results just messing around gets you.
    But then again, the ultimate 'eff this'-and-walk-away-until-you-get-a-better-idea solution always works.
  3. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    See, I thought of constructing the bridges first, but the bases that I'm having trouble on are at the ends, so while I could do one bridge, I can't do the other without a base.
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Well if you go by either of my solutions, you could just mess around with different layouts and structures and when you find one you like just do the same for the other base, or you could just move on to something else until something pops into your head for this one.
  5. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Whenever I get forgers block, I ravage through my architectural books, and look for inspiring buildings. That usually breaks the block in about five minutes :)
  6. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    90% of the time I forge, I end up screwing around not knowing what the hell to do even when I plan and make rough sketches. This seems to happen to me no matter what I do. But screwing around is pretty fun and sometimes handy when you don't know what to make.
  7. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    You know Ult, I'm willing to help you with your map. You could send me an invite if I'm on, my GT is on the FH Tester's Guild.
  8. Gan

    Gan Ancient

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    yeah pretty much all the maps I make start out with just messing around on forge and experimenting.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Look at some bungie made maps for inspiration. Supprisingly they got a few things right when designing maps. Get a picture of the top of one of the valhalla bases (possibly from bungie.net heatmaps). Now make it into the smallest possible ball you can then open and repeat twice. Then let it soak in a glass of water overnight. Once the paper is dry open it up and draw whatever you can still see on a seperate sheet of paper (or outline it on the same sheet). Finally replicate your drawing in forge.

    This may sound crazy but I created one of my best maps by accidentally doing this to a picture of guardian.
  10. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    The funny part is, I actually did look at Halo maps for "inspiration". The problem was, I got inspired to do other maps not related to the one I"m working on.

    God Halo 2 had some awesome maps (Terminal, Relic, Headlong, Containment).

    Why did Bungie have to go and screw it up?

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