We did consider it, but felt it took away the flow of the battles. The tombstones make great cover from the overlooking turret anyway, and fences would probably make it too easy for the infidels...er...I mean, the attacking team.
I did not get to play it today (hopefully I can get a game in tomorrow) but on my forge-through I found out a lot of the little details. I like the flow of the map, it feels like relic a bit. so far you're keeping my DL.
Alright I just finished with my rounds of customs with this last. I played One Flag. It was pretty awesome accept for one thing and that is the respawns points, they are in good places but they are not pointed in a good direction. When placing them take in to fact people reaction time is about 2 sec. most of the time I would spawn facing a wall and walk straight in to it, you just need to rotate the spawns where the players have time to react in that 2 sec. time span. do you understand what I'm trying to say? Over all it's a well built map you just need to work a little on the respawns.
Thanks for your thought Tusk - I'll check into it, although during playtesting, no issues were voiced to us. Oh and for those that want it - the video link is now up! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xtf4E70YIOU
Thanks pal - I actually prefer the gameplay on this map to the Manor, but you can decide for yourself!
One flag is my favorite for this map so far. every time I enter the chapel and take the Flag I say "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition".
Omg i remember when like i saw the outline of this map u were playin with the only oasis i think lol if i woulda nown your a hubber i would been helpful(thought you were a noob making nooby map lol srry)