Sandbox Journey's End

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Rifte, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    TC 013/UNSC Journey's End
    Created by: rifte gifle

    YouTube- Halo 3 Forged Ship- UNSC Journey's End

    Click here to download!
    Length: 107.0m
    Height: 26.3m
    Width: 30.4m

    Essentially, The Journey's End was a cut down version of a Frigate; but used primarily for the
    transport of infantry and vehicles. The starship class the Journey was in were fast and inexpensive making them expendable. There were turrets underneath the bow of the ship, as well as a MAC gun. The entire cargo bay underneath the ship could be released at any time (split apart from the entire ship), and it could house multiple vehicles and marines. What the Journey did not have in firepower and size, the Journey had in stealth. Because of the ship's tiny size in comparison to other star ships, the Journey's End had the element of stealth, and carried 8 standard HEV drop pods for use in a tactical insertion.

    The Journey's End was destroyed during the Battle of Reach in 2552 by a group of Seraph single ships while it was bringing troops ground side. The cargo bay carrying 2 marine platoons was released before the Journey was destroyed, but all crew piloting the ship were KIA.

    Backstory aside, the Journey is a little side project that I've worked on for the past couple weeks. It's taken me probably over 20 total hours to finish. I wanted to make a ship that was unique. Most ships were in the skybubble or just barely above the main sandbox tier because the majority of the population couldn't fathom the thought of building a ship without the aid of a level area to work with. When I started with this project, I knew three things. It had to be by the guardian towers. It had to have a MAC cannon. It had to have 8 drop pods. Initially, I was trying to get a frigate. But upon the halfway point, I realized that what I was going for was not going to have enough supplies while keeping the ship nice and detailed.

    And now, pictures!





    Dropship hangar

    MAC Cannon
    To activate the mancannon, simply destroy the pallet in the front of the bridge. A fiery depleted uranium slug will fly out.

    Drop Pods
    There are 8 drop pods, and when in local or if you have host, will ALL work almost perfectly every single time!

    Extra Screenshots

    Click here to download!

    #1 Rifte, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2010
  2. Grave Robber

    Grave Robber Ancient
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    This is the coolest ship I've ever seen, How long did this take you?
    Honestly I'm kinda speechless, this demonstrates Halo's forge ability to make beautifully innovative maps.
  3. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    agreed very nice looking ship one of the best ive seen... nice action shot by the way. Can u walk around the whole ship inside?? is it multi leveled inside???
    #3 twisted gaming1111, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Thanks, it took me around 20 hours to build.

    It took me a few tries to actually get the action shot :p. Yes, you can walk inside. There is a cargo bay and above that is the drop pod hangar and bridge. It uses staircases to get to the next floor.
    #4 Rifte, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  5. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    probably the nicest and most realistic ship i have ever seen. It took me a minute to work out the first picture is an actual screenshot.. I thought it was just photoshopped in.

    But really, this is awesome.
  6. ryguy3298

    ryguy3298 Ancient

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    Great Map. Very unique, and well forged. The only thing I want to know is if there is a way to incoperate this map into Asset. Perhaps you could have a small covy ship flying above with a banshee docking bay? If you cant, that is fine with me. But if you can, do it! That would be soo sick.

    Btw- Did I mention that this map = WIN
    #6 ryguy3298, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  7. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I was there!!

    Its a pretty cool ship, and it looks like you got the Mac working... mucky ass crap to shoot out now.
  8. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
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    At first sight, I thought this was a modded map, like some map on Sandtrap. At closer inspection, I noticed it was truly forged.

    I love casualties in it, but the ship isn't very exciting. Just realistic. If you could have a gametype to it, maybe spending time there is good.
  9. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Best ship ever... Im so glad you finally realeased it, and its a cool fact that you measured it with those bomb points or whatever they were.

    Just for you people who dont know, the ship is also a monster

    #9 Xang, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  10. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    great ship, some really nice design touches. I like the layout of the bridge, and the vertically stacked mongooses. The staircase was a nice touch. Lovely
  11. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    ZOMG, a ship thats not terrible congrats. But no it really is great. And for someone who doesn't have much of a life out of asset even better.
  12. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I'm still debating whether or not I want to make this playable. I was planning either one sided territories where ODST had to capture enemyy controlled areas, or some kind of asset convoy map.

    Thanks, I was digging through the aesthetics section for ships, and I looked at your frigate quite a bit for design ideas.
    sad faic.
    #12 Rifte, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  13. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Rifte, you never put the shield door table. You know, this thing:

    Unless that's what the gold column is supposed to be...

    Anyways, Rifte, the ship turned out really great. I wouldn't be surprised if I see it on a machinima some day. I have to say, this ship is impressive as ever.
  14. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    Ok firstly, I can see my dead body in one of the pictures. =) Ok this map is truly amazing. I thought you were going to turn it into an asset map, But I guess you didn't. everything is so accurate and playing on it was very fun, when others weren't betraying with the hornets. =) This is a fun map for all and I havnt found one person that doesn't like it. good job
  15. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    That's a bit harsh.

    Second, I love this ship! 20 hours well spent, in my opinion. Ships are things I really have to see for myself, so I'll DL it and then add a bit more detail to this comment. Hope you don't mind.
    #15 Panncakez, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  16. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    That's a fine looking spacecraft you got there.

    The first screenshot looked like a mod. I'm not joking. But your ship is really good anyway. The drop pods are sweet, and the MAC is awesome. I like the cargo hold a lot for some reason. Maybe that's just because you can drop warthogs out of it onto people...

    Make an Asset map on this. Please. Escort or Convoy would be cool, but holdout where brutes could board the ship? That could be intersting.
  17. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    HEY i think i was there too :D
    sept not at the picture that was kept :(

    anywho. it looked extremely epic just looking at it. grats. even if my pic didnt make it up there T.T
  18. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    Not to add redundancy, but great job. This is the first good ship built since Dreadnaught. (when avalanche first came out) The only changes i'd recommend are make it larger if possible, add more function to it, or make a game out of it. (Either what you already thought of or add some covie drop ships above the ship to drop down from or below to drop down on) All said and done, 4.2/5. Good job breaking away from asset for a few days lolz.
  19. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Win lol

    anyway the first thing i noticed is that the drop pod sinse your so high up above the grid i think, you would just die when you hit the grid.

    Anyway this **** is pretty sick it looks like at the front the starwars drioid cargo ship that drops tanks and crap.
    #19 Combat P3nguin, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  20. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    It's not in the skybubble.

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