Ntrusion is an assymetrical map that is multi layered with the highest points being at the top of each base. It is set in the skybubble of sandbox. It supports slayer and oddball, with the oddball spawn being at bottom middle, also known as the basement. There is one man cannon at the red base, which offers quick transportation to the top of the blue base. The blue base is closest to the rocket spawn and the red base is closest to the sniper spawn. There is little cover at top mid, but there is a gap in the floor, allowing a person to make a quick escape to the basement. The blue team spawns at the back of the blue base, and the red team spawns on the red elbow. This is my first map posted, enjoy! Weapons/Equipment 4 battle rifles 2 carbines 1 plasma rifle 2 smg 2 spiker 1 mauler 1 regenerator 4 plasma grenades Power Weapons 1 sniper, 1 spare clip, 90 second respawn 1 rocket launcher, 90 second respawn <> <> <THE BASMENT, WITH ONE BATTLE RIFLE AND ODDBALL SPAWN> <TOP RED BASE FEATURING A SNIPER LEDGE AND PLASMA GRENADES> <BOTTOM BLUE BASE FEATURING MAULER> <BACK BLUE BASE, BLUE STARTING SPAWN, FEATURING A BATTLE RIFLE AND CARBINE> <BACK RED BASE FEATURING SNIPER WITH MAN CANNON ON THE LEFT SIDE> <download> My new gamer tag is bumble b tuna17
Looks pretty cool but is it too open? I'd need to play it of course to tell but just from the pictures it seems like if your shields go down, there's nowhere to take cover to recharge. Definitely looks fun though.
The map has a lot to offer, although you don't show it in your map preview. It would be easier on the reader's part with an overview and multiple weapon placements.
It does provide very little cover, but at the top middle of the map there is a gap, which can be used to quickly escape fire, and this emphasizes travel on the outside of the map, which is where most of the weapons are located anyway.
i like the design. its very unique and i think i might work with swat assault. since you have the little bunker type base and then one shot would make it very interesting in a bomb game. i give you a 4/5
Very nice we are seeing alot more skybubble maps now and this one looks pretty cool, infact all you need to do is add a bit more cover and if you have Photoshop or somethiong like that use that to show where all your weapons are. The design looks very nice, did you plan this or did you just forge it?
As far as planning I knew that I wanted to make a skybubble map with some resemblance to guardian, and I just went from there. I probably will have to make a version 2 with extra cover though...
when you try replying to someone use the quote button, it just helps. Yeah i recomend you make a version 2 but this version is still pretty cool though
If you do make a v2 I'd also suggest interlocking the floor so its smoother, not because it looks better, but because it'll play better. If you dont have photoshop I could put the weapon icons on an overview I guess, youd have to tell me what and where to put them though.
I added a second overview of the map in the second picture to show where most of the weapons are located. Hope this helps.