CILER H2R This is a Remake of Relic, i have always wanted to try and make something close to the original from halo 2. I believe that it looks fairly accurate. I just want to hear what you guys think. Gametypes: Slayer Team Slayer CTF (more to come) Weapons List: Needler x2 Battle Rifle x7 Shotgun x1 Sniper x2 Spiker x2 Mauler x2 Plasma Rifle x3 Brute Shot x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Energy Sword x1 Cov Carbine x3 Machine gun Turret x1 Vehicles: Ghost x1 Mongoose x3 Warthog x1 Equipment: Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x6 Spike Grenade x3 Bubble Shield x2 Power Drain x1 Trip Mine x1 Regenerator x1 Deployable Cover x1 Active Camo x1 The Ciler Back of Ciler Middle Part of the Ciler Portal to back of the Ciler Sword Spawn The attackers base for CTF DOWNLOAD it NOW Plz Rate and Download MORE PICS SOON!!!!!
Spectacular remake! I love the 80% Symmetric vibe. The attacker's base is incredibly playable and the teleporter is intensifying. If I would change three things though, it would be the sword, as it's a fairly open map, and can't be used for much more than a monopoly team vs. fail team in attacker's base. In other words, unless one team has 24-0 and are hiding in the attacker's base, there is no use for the energy sword. The second change would be to bring something closer to the other (Main Structure and Attacker's base). The gameplay gets dull unless it's 6v6+. The third thing would be to give the tower more availability. Getting up to the open area right after the first two merged pieces. Gdgd
wow, I totally forgot about this map!! When-ever I think about halo 2 its always Headlong or that large cave level with the tanks and crap. Anyways, this map looks pretty awsome. I like the attackers base, it basically serves it purpose. I think you should've added more crap on the left of the defensive structure (if you're facing the attackers base). Its just that's where I remember most of the action taking place with that dominant hog! Good remake!
Looks dam good man, RC needs 2 finish his inspired map (mix of Relic and Vallhalla) I really love this though great remake you added some new stuff but it looks great you got my dl.
thanks, yeah i tried to make it as close as possible to the original map but also make it my own. i think i made some pretty good twists to the map to make it a little different.
Yes he does... wait thats me, yeah, its coming along. On topic: looks good, I think the main structure is a little low to the ground but thats perfectly fine, and whoever said that the sword doesnt really need to be on it, its a remake of the original map... that means the weapons arent going to change much.
thanks, yeah this map was a slow process. i tried to make it look accurate without adding to much to ruin it. but it turned out good and yes i tried to leave most of the main weapon along with some added ones. thanks