Sandbox Asset Convoy Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Rifte, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    it's about time. i played desert package already it's my favorite because of how big it is. I haven't played arctic dispatch, but it seems good from the reviews so far.
  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Ya, when you guys just drive with the tank right away it gets really annoying. Although the good thing is on Desert Package you guys cant do that because you get gang beated to quickly!
  3. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    lol truth. you actually have to spread yourselves out or you're basically done. I almost got to the 3rd destination today, it's freaking hard.

    at least games don't end in ties so often though!!
  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Although I haven't been able to play on Arctic Dispatch yet, I've played on the other two and I just love the idea and the maps. Truly a great addition to Asset. The checkpoints were a great idea, so it doesn't take you five minutes to catch up. They seem a lot more fun than holdout maps which tend to get boring in the long run. Out of the two I've played I probably like Roll Call better just because of the epic moments I've had and the elephant. Jumping over the elephant as many times as possible in the chopper just to annoy the hell out of people and barricading myself in the driver's seat with a chopper. This was just a great idea and I love it. I will play Given's map asap.
  5. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
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    Very fun maps rifte. They go together very well and play fantastic, although there is a lot of teamwork involved it still plays well for new people to the game. AKA my Dad yesterday night haha. But all in all I give the Desert Package and Arctic Dispatch (havn't played Roll Call yet) both a 5/5 for gameplay, aesthetics, and over all playability. Great job, keep it up.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I seem to recall you guys leaving your dad while everyone was in the tank, lol.

    Thanks for the nice comments guys.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Ending you guys' idiotic mini-flame war.

    If a game needs to have honor rules, that is never grounds to give it "1/5", especially in minigame section (to a similar degree to Casual as well). In addition, "ratings" are a bad idea in general, if you write a review without a */5, you'll find that you'll focus on actual helpful stuff instead of justifying some kind of numerical score. In other words, I really, really don't like ratings! It's not against the rules, but it doesn't put the forum at any positive point whatsoever.

    On that point, if you're going to post, be decently nice about it. DON'T SAY ANYTHING IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY. That doesn't mean that you have to sugarcoat everything, but that if you have to be an idiot about it, that's not constructive critics, that's the start of a flame war.

    From now on in this thread, messages will be about the map and not about people trying to insult each other. This is your final warning.
  8. mike 286

    mike 286 Ancient
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    I thought that it was already over after rifte posted his comment with the facepalm picture.. It's kind of funny when moderators or administratiors of a site tell people to not talk about a certain subject again, even though it has already passed and if anything the ma have just potentially brought it back up by reminding every1 about it.
    People aren't on constantly. There was no 'end' to it, in fact there were multiple reported posts on those just recently. A facepalm picture is more of a taunt than a way to end an argument, which leads me closer to considering infractions over a message. It's just 'ended' for some amount of time because one or the other side goes offline. That's all it is.

    I pulled myself out of call of duty for these maps, and even though the frame rate was terrible, the controls were werid, I still really enjoyed these maps specially roll call. Great use of sandtrap it gets very epic near the end.
  9. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Yaaaaaah, i little late to the scene but still. This post already has 3 pages of stuff.. nice. But in all honesty this looks really good and im excited that you finally posted the gametype cause ive been working on a convoy map with a friend and now that we have the actual gametype and idea we can move ahead with it.
  10. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    Entirely wrong. I was the original person who had the idea. I had it back in November. Check it out! There were to many problems with mine so I never posted it. A month later I join a game of Rifte's to find he was playing on my map practically. After explaining he would give me credit for the idea I was fine, but don't even thing Kibbles had the original idea because he probably stole it from me.
  11. HomeTheArmless v2

    Senior Member

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    Woah now, let's not go around starting new arguments about seperate people. The game in question is "a very fun game on an elephant", and there is a strong probability that you both happened upon the idea independant of each other. Second, the object of your game (I played your original one) and the object of kibbles' game was different. Don't just claim, GERR HE STOLED IT.

    Now, on to the Map Pack. Desert Package was my favorite, for the simple reason that it allowed you a feeling of an openworld type game. Well, as openworld as you could get within the confines of Halo. Roll Call is great, and the map is kept interesting by the fact that you have to get off the elephant and 'resupply'. Arctic Dispatch was just as enjoyable as either of these, however just rushing the tank took away from it a bit. Good tactics for the covies remedies it pretty well, but it is often difficult to stop a charging tank with the supplies the brutes are given. Other than that, this map pack is well-rounded, and most importantly, fun.
  12. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    I believe Insane warned us not to bring up ExoticallyPure's comment again, lest he lock-ify this thread.

    I just played a game on Desert Package, and had a lot of fun. Well, I would've had more fun if:

    A. The people who were in the game with me were at least 5 years older.

    B. They got off of the freaking tank. I told them they'd enjoy it more if they got off of it, but they simply refused to listen. As a result, I was the only one who ever remotely strayed away from the tank. And I quote:

    Me: "Guys, get off of the tank. Just grab these rockets or something."

    Other player: "No waaaaaai d00dz, I r in da tank!1111!!!!ONE!!"

    You get the jist. I loved all of the structures you placed on the map, although I made note of the fact that the tank driver can unlock the first checkpoint from the spawn point, simply by shooting the structure enclosing it.
    #32 Panncakez, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2010
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Yes, I know that. I can't really explain why I left the tank (can't really sum up what I was thinking in words...) and the rockets on purpose because most teams would usually wait for the tank anyways, so by the time that the tank got to the first point, you'd probably still be waiting for it and the covenant can already be seen coming across the bridge. If you're kind of confused by what I mean, basically it just doesn't get you incredibly far ahead by going through the first teleporter.
  14. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    I played arctic dispatch and I didn't really like it. sure the last bit was pretty fun, but other than that its pretty much a mad rush with the tank and praying you mak e it. Also the aesthetics are kind of unpleasing. they're all yjust boxes merged into the ground.. not relaly your best work given, sorry.

    I give arctic dispatch a 3/5
  15. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    A short story kindly written by aMoeba has been added to the OP. Give it a read whenever you can guys, it's very good!
  16. Ginger Kidd

    Ginger Kidd Ancient

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    Nice story by aMoeba. I'll be sure to give this a play when I can, it looks amazing!
  17. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Keep in mind that I did not design the map to be my greatest aesthics of forge. Its a shipping area. Crates are everywhere, because this place was a UNSC shipping yard but was abandoned after the covenant savaged the place. The ODST soldiers had to hide there couple years later because they went down in battle and used the building for cover as the covenant searched for them. They realized they could no longer hide when a grunt notoriusly shouted, there they are! They pop him in the head, and grab supplies; they then charge out to the other side of the ship yard where a beacon lies that will help UNSC find them.

    Next time you see a map, don't look at the aesthetics alone. If you do, then don't view an asset map (Which is a 100% Storyline built Gametype) especially on Avalanche. What were you expecting? Color coding? A Blue building? It wouldn't make sense. When it comes down to the storyline, I'm about as realistic as it gets.

    If you want some aesthetic pleasing material, wait until I complete my Crow's Nest map. My guess is that it will blow you away. It does to me every time I start up a game.

    Anyway, I'm also thinking about moving the tank farther back from the starting point, so you get in the tank, and the ghosts are already flying off the cliff.
  18. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Ancient

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    I do kind of agree that almost every game has to have some kind of honor rule, but most are common sense. Unfortunately, even that is messed up by kids who shouldn't be on Xbox Live in the first place (What's the minimum age requirement again?). And sure, for minigames honor rules would be more accepted, they are minigames, but casual maps are basically all infection. Infection is as simple as following the automatic instructions on the screen: Kill the zombies or kill the humans. Obviously, a game that's been around for more than two years would have some pretty creative custom games but you still need to keep it simple. If not, I recommend Garry's Mod. You can go crazy with that.

    I gave an honest rating. It's probably a slightly decent game but hasn't Asset gotten old? And I did give constructive criticism. Can't find it? Well, you may need to get your eyes checked. Everything I said about the map, good or bad, could easily be reversed. For example, saying a game is bad with honor rules means that getting rid of said honor rules and making the game simpler and more fun would, 99% of the time, fix the problem. I just have a creative way of giving constructive criticism (Or I just really disliked your map).

    Oh, and I'm only responding to the comment(s) that aren't completely idiotic, haven't thought before posting, or decided to reply my "negative" post with more negative. Weird, I only quoted one person. :)

    I suggest you have two versions, at least: One that is simple and one that can be played with close friends. Other than that, I'm done as far as a second opinion. My rating stands. Although I do admire the use of pre-dlc & non-mythic map.
  19. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Fair enough.
    You say this like the majority of the xbo live population are children. This is NOT matchmaking for christs sake. If you don't like somebody because they are ruining your custom game, that's why there's a BOOT button.

    Casual is a vague term. I don't like it and it's not something used on some of the other forging forums. Also, casuals are not all infection if you haven't noticed. You treat the term "casual" like it's supposed to be straight forward infection when it's really referring to laid back gameplay.

    Here's the lesson for today bud. Don't give constructive criticism if you haven't actually played the damn map. You make an ass out of yourself because you're trying to help(unless you're simply being ignorant) someone using things you've thought up in your mind. As for Asset getting old, this isn't your normal Asset. Actually play and you'll understand why.

    Also, are you holding some kind of grudge against me? You haven't even played and youhate the map(s).

    Clever. Then why did you say "your map" multiple times to Insane when it's not his map? :)

    I don't understand what you find so complicated about a map you haven't actually played. Because it seems like you don't understand the basics of VIP, I'll sum it up for you. Note that these are NOT honor rules; they're the laws of the game and you lose if you do not follow them much like killing other people in slayer.

    1)Protect the VIP
    2)Get the VIP to the destination points

    Do not do these, and you lose. Simple as that. The two honor rules for Convoy that I stated were:

    1)Covenant can not unblock checkpoints
    If you do, you will only be helping the opposition.

    2)Covenant can not DRIVE human vehicles
    The tank is a powerful vehicle. It's meant for the defenders to aid them get their VIP to the destination points, not be used against them.

    Now see, Asset Convoy still follows the 2 laws, but has 2 other ones that as difficult as they are for some people to remember, SHOULD be followed depending on the type of party you have because it keeps the game fun. Hell, sometimes I don't even care if the driving the tank one isn't followed because it offers a challenge.

    Now either please play before you comment again, or just don't. If you want, give me your gamertag and I'll invite you to a game so you can actually play.

    #39 Rifte, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  20. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    If I could mention,
    The whole time I was playing Desert Package I kept asking myself, "Why do the ODST's get the tank right off the start?"
    While I see this being a problem as far as the Brutes getting it first (if they go against honor rules), but I was just thinking how it would play if you got the tank at around the first goto point and either have it spawn around when the ODSTs get there or rig a switch so that after the first checkpoint is activated it spawns the tank.
    That's just me though.
    And I kept getting frustrated when I thought poorly blocked guardians where killing me, but I read the post a little more in depth and realized that was deliberate.
    As far as the map pack, Desert Package is by far the best in construction, gameplay, and replayability.
    The pack as a whole i give 6/10
    Desert Package gets a solid 8.4/10

    PS: Invite me for some games anyway
    #40 Organite, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010

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