Map Title: DeathRush :A Tactical Level War Objective Map of Slayer And CTF. Pics: Most used gametype's for DeathRush: Capture The Flag OddBall Free For All or Team Slayer Download DeathRush Description: I Decided to make a map that basically uses tactics in certain areas, so basically you must take and hold position in the tactical areas and defend your assaulter. - And in the back center look at the single box with doors merged into its side's ... Those doors are teleporter doors which take you to the other side of the single box without jumping and risk getting killed. - This map is also budget glitched so if you are going to make changes i hope you have a good memory and a smooth merging technique like i do because you have to literally delete a fraction of the map in order to at least get a decent amount of money to forge. Weapons: Battle Rifles - 5 Sniper Rifle - 1 Covenant Carbine - 4 Plasma Pistol - 1 Mauler - 1 ---- Frag Grenade's - 10 Plasma Grenade's - 4 Custom Powerup - 1 Spawn Amount: Spawn Points on map - 30/30 Each side = 60 Total. Spawn Times: Frag Grenade's - 30 Sec's Plasma Grenade's - 30 Sec's Mauler - 120 Sec's , Ammo - 1 Clip. Plasma Pistol - 90 Sec's. Sniper Rifle - 120 Sec's , Ammo - 1 Clip. Covenant Carbine - 90 Sec's , Ammo - 2 Clips. Battle Rifle - 10 Sec's , Ammo - 1 Clip. Custom Powerup - 180 Sec's + Place At Start = False/No
This looks pretty mad, 1 thing its a MLG map so u might want to get a moterator to fix that. this is a mlg map for sure merging and geo merging looks great. with the mauler i would lower the extra clips to 1 that thing can be pretty powerful. ( do the same with sniper and battle rifle. )
ok so fix mauler sniper battle rifle, ok thanks IL brb what section does this belong again? i dont know how to move it and thanks for the feedback i appreciate it ______________ Fixed Weapons. ______________
First thing that comes to mind: wow that's badass. I don't think this is casual though...definitely MLG. Looks like a lot of fun though. Much better than most MLG maps.
thanx :3 i got more maps but i dont know if i should post them =/ Foundry Maps: Tactical DeathRush - Already Posted DevianGround UNSC Grounds BR Dome Dual Cave ---- i usually can get maps like these done in a day or so
yeah sorry about that i was tired cause it was like 2 in the morning for me and i nearly fell asleep while posting that one. Ill edit it back