Which map do u like forging on better? I was just curious cause I've never forged on Avalanche and so many people are...
Currently Avalanche because everything is new and there things yet to be explored. Foundry is definitely a better map for forge though.
I would say I like to use both evenly. Foundry is the god when it comes to customizing, but Avlanche basically gives you the same thing with a lot more space. Only downer about Avalanche is that there isn't much flat ground to Forge on, so you would need to try to fuse with the map's geometry if you want to make everything flat. Otherwise, both have their ups.
Foundry. While some sweet floating maps could be made, I hate save&quit, and if you don't have a floating map, there isn't much flat ground to make something on.
I like Avalanche better, mostly because I am not really into forging the Competitive maps right now, and Avalanche is a better place for Casual maps.
Ya Avalanche is sweet and new, but there is no where flat. The shiny doors to block the middle make me angry and hurt my eyes in my dark basement area. Why the shinyness!?!?!!? It does have an open death falling area which is nice, but I still like foundry.
It's obvious that Foundry is still the #1 most Forged based map. It offers the most possibilities to us. The new maps only have new items but they are limited and the terrain is horrible.
i chose avalanche... the open area is great nd, despite the terrain, its like a bigger foundry, with less dumpsters and pallets :[ but despite tht, i still as of now like avalanche. Of course foundry is incredible and will always be a fav but for now...