My first signature attempt

Discussion in 'Screenshot Discussion' started by eYe treeHoUsE, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. eYe treeHoUsE

    eYe treeHoUsE Ancient

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    I used to dabble in the interests of forging, but the idea of creating signatures has caught my interest lately, and so I decided to try my hand at it. THis of course is my first (kinda second) attempt to make a screenshot, and I rushed it a little because I made it for myself and just wanted to get it done.
    There are more versions in my fileshare here
    Just wanted to see what you guys thought of it...
  2. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What is it supposed to be lol?
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    think its supposed to say tree... im not sure though. I dont like this very much, the letters blend with your background too much and it doesnt really have any good focal point.

    Id try using white text that doesnt have holes all over, then put some ripples in the green so it looks like green water. That might look cool. Good for a first try i guess though.
  4. eYe treeHoUsE

    eYe treeHoUsE Ancient

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    haha, yeah it says tree, I seriously made the text in five minutes so it's not even close to what I'd like. It was more of a rush to find a good effect using the smoke, and I recently found some effects i like. The only thing is that I'm limited to the area I can use due to the smoke, so just wondering if anyone has a link to the unlimited smoke map for blackout....

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