Goliathian 3.0 A map, reminiscent of Blood Gultch and Waterworks, designed for tactical big team battles. The Guardian towers around Sandbox have been walled off to allow players to roam freely about the darkened sand dunes. With little cover out in the open, players are encouraged to use vehicals and team work to survive. Now supports All Gametypes. 12-16 players. BR starts recommended. Although this is a really large map, mobilty shouldn't be a major issue. There are vehicals aplenty, and each base is fitted with both a mancannon and a two way teleporter. I have tried to make the map feel a bit less empty by adding more blocks and wedges to the sand dunes. In an effort to make players move around the map, sniper rifles now spawn near the edges in the middle of the battlefield, and I have added a sniper platform where the killballs once where. L-shaped structures, along with Brute Shots, have been added to the middle of the battlefield to provide a bit more defense for people on foot. Shotguns and an Oversheilds now spawn in the blocks adjacent to each respective base. Weapons 12x Battle Rifle 4x Carbine 2x Needler 2x Rocket Launcher 2x Brute Shot 2x Shotgun 2x Missle Pod 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Beam Rifle 1x Spartan Laser Equipment 6x Plasma Gernade 2x Regenerator 2x Power Drain 2x Bubble Shield 2x Overshield 2x Invisible 1x Spike Gernade Vehicals 6x Mongoose 4x Warthog 2x Chopper 2x Banshee Pictures Bird's eye view. Blue Base Red Base On the other side of the teleporter players will find a Mongoose, a Rocket Launcher, and a Bubble Shield. Safe Travels! View from the human Sniper Rifle spawn point. Sniper Platform. Beam Rifle Spawns here. Spartan Laser spawns beneath the killball. Download
First Post ( Your First picture is not a birds eye view BTW ) Sinse the Gaurdians towers have been blocked there has been many maps like these allthough yours is unquie it still lacks objects which is not your fault, it can never be fixed until someone finds a glitch that allows you to use every single object on the map. ( this is highly unlikely tho ) i see no merging or geo merging on the map, so parts like the bases you might need geo merging or merging just to make it smooth. Forging 101 http://www.forgehub.com/forum/forging-101/ has all the answers trust me they do. I have to admit the bases are sweet i love them, i also love the Covenant beam rifle tower. The middle with the killball hardly anyone would go near the middle because it's not really protected, hardlly any cover which is hard cause your using the whole of sandbox to make a map, most objects have been use around the outside of the map, you might want just put something down there if you have any objects left. With the teles at the bases do they tele you to the mongoose and sniper spawn? 6 Mongooses is that 2 for each team and one at each tele spawn? Running is basicaly pointless on this map, make sure the vehicals have a good respawn time because then you would have 16 men running trying to find a br or sniper to pick of the enemy team. Have you tested the map? Cause if you have not i recomend getting it tested. Anyway love to have a game with you sometime. Your really new to forgehub and people this new still have problems with posting there map so grads to you. CYA
As unlikly as it seems going into the middle is very helpful for chasing the banshy I downloaded the second one and it was intense temwork is very important
Banshy drives go towards the midlle would be a bad idea cause they would be instintly targeted, they would try to fly low in the dunes so they could sneak up on their prey.
i downloaded and played with other people, at a halo party i had today, it it was one of the most fun games of the day, although it still has a few problems. the bases could use some work, and the map needs ALOT more cover, you should use an OLN budget glitched canvas and use as many items as you can to populate the map with more cover. also i have to say weapon choice/placement is pretty bad. the map doesn't work with shotguns and needlers, it's to big for that, i think apropriate weapons to pair with the power-ups would be: overshield-brute shot/rockets/an maybe feul rod guns? camo- carbine/br/ or equipment also i don't think you should have taken the snipers away from the bases, it's good that you put snipers on the outside of the map, but you should at least have a sniper with 0/1 spare clip at each base. also put more snipers around the outside, because if you are roaming the dunes with something like a carbine+rockets, you get raped by snipers, and also the sniper respawns are too long, in a map like this multiple snipers isn't a bad thing, it adds more balance to things. i like the map, it's good but not great, and still needs alot of work. 3.5/5
as Combat penguin said no one would go to the middle i suggest redesigning the middle and including a quite asthetic kind of building in the middle. You could have access to the roof that could over look the map. I think that would make this map perfect for big team
This maps is really looking better than the original versions. Unlike what all these people say, what drives players to a certain place in such vehicle oriented maps is rushing to where the enemy is to get some quick kills, and the continous search for power weapons. I would say the weapons are balanced perfectly for a map this size, and the laser is enough incentive to draw people to the middle. All in all this is a nice map.