Alright, I know there was a thread made that concerned annihilating in PvP using Lilith, but in this one it's actually to post your own, give a description on how/why to use it, etc etc. Try to refrain from "OMG UR SK1LL SET IZ T3H SUXX0RZ LOL" posts; if anything, just offer constructive criticism and suggestions on what to change. Mordecai - Snipers Only This set focuses mainly on using Snipers and melee to a lesser extent. Focus gets rid of 50% of the sniper sway, you do 20% more Sniper damage, reload speed increases by 40% (considering a bunch of snipers take forever to reload) and you do 20% more damage on Criticals (So this can be pretty guaranteed most of the time, given that it's a sniper). You can use either Swipe or Swift Strike, but it's mainly for getting Fast Hands. You also don't have to worry much about taking out shields as you have a 100% chance of ignoring them. Given how easy kills come, Riotous Remedy is also good for bringing back your health. Lilith - Dazewhacker Basically, you're trying to Daze enemies as much as possible. Increased fire rate, 25% chance to daze with a bullet, higher bullet damage and higher bullet velocity heavily increase the chances of doing so. You also have a 100% chance to daze enemies of equal level with melee, which does insanely high amounts of damage coming out of Phasewalk. Diva can be substituted with Inner Glow, or you could also get rid of Diva/Dramatic Entrance and Mind Games to get Radiance and Venom if you're more inclined to Phasewalk than shoot.
Lilith - Shocked, and Phased by it. NB: +2 to Slayer (4/5) from Moxxi Underdome DLC. With this build I go with a Tempest COM and Eridian Thunder Storm. With Hard To Get + Blackout I can phase very often. Silent Resolve (+3 from Tempest = 8/5) gives me near unvulnerability for the few seconds I'm out of Phase while I unload my Thunder Storm into enemy faces. While in Phase I run around giving everyone Radiance electric DoT (+4 from Tempest = 9/5). A typical fight involves me PhaseWalking past one group of enemies and exiting Phase next to another group. I clear out the group I Phased out next to with my Thunder Storm, reseting my cooldown, and PhaseWalk back over to the first group, who are either dead, or very close to death from Radiance. Most of the time just exiting PhaseWalk near one of them is enough to finish them off. There's an element of multi-tasking involved, when playing this build, to make it effective but that's part of the fun.