An undergroud urban envirnment featuring buildings, houses and vantage points. The levels central building is key to victory, it contains some weapons and access to a bridge overviewing an open hallway area which houses one of the levels three command points. The levels open areas make long and middle range combat profiency a must and give the level a unique feal. Tactical combat requires more than just waiting around a corner for your enemy; map control and teamwork are a must. Made for the game Conquest - which gets its name and influence from the Battlefield 1942 gamemode. To capture one of the three command points requires 30 seconds of time in the zone. The zones are open and dificult to defend. What ever team controls the most comand points at the end of the 10 minute match wins. A player from the red team tries to defend command point #2: The levels central strucuture: The bridge: The bridge is a great vantage point but is vulnerable to sniper attacks from behind: Territory #1 is hard to capture without control of the bridge:
Try not to take pics in forge, it makes it look off. And when it says "contains weapons", what sort of weapons? Big weapons to camp with? Well its your first post so i dont blame ya. I cant really tell from the pics. It would really help if you had an overview of the map. But it looks ok, for now. Just that theres vehicles in a conquest map sort of feels wrong.
Good advice on the forge pictures. The vehicles (only geeses) are just to get around the map quickly. I will add an overview pic.
It's a little hard to tell from the pics (a proper overview would help) but the design looks good. There are two faults I can find with it. One is the lack of merging in the right places. I can see you've merged a little but some parts could use a little more. For instance the building with walls for a roof, you could've merged the roof into the rest of the walls to make it look a little less sloppy. The second fault (I might be wrong about this one) there seems to be certain points with too much open space especially if you're trying to get the urban feel.
The open feel was on purpose, however other areas of the map have more cover, I just personally enjoy more of an open game, less camping and shotgun whoring. Also this was my first try and while the map plays great (really good with about 6 on 6) the looks aren't perfect and I know that, the aim was to get the gameplay down and I feel like I did that.
Just clear up the confusion, you should know there is already a gametype called conquest that is VERY popular on Forgehub. That's why Flipkid commented that conquest shouldn't have vehicles.