The interior of the train flickered light from the half broken overhead light. The carriage rocked back and forth, the continuous rumble of the train reverberating through the space... All of a sudden the train's emergency brakes come on, a high pitched metal-on-metal screech piercing the silence, then without reason the power ceases. One of the ODSTs tries to open the door, but without power the door wont open. A distant rumbling is heard, possibly footsteps? The sound of a blow torch initiates and white hot flame appears, burning through the door of the adjacent carriage. "Keep your heads up ODSTs, this is gonna get nasty" shouts one of the ODSTs. The blow torch stops and a metal scraping is heard. The door falls inwards and suddenly covenant burst in, ambushing the ODSTs... I need testers for tomorrow any time if you would like to test just say your GT in your post. Slots: - Crypocalypse (me) - J1MMY SQUIRREL - Okage4 - Reigning chaos - Rifte Gifle - Orange - HopefulRUIN - Organite
Invite J1MMY SQUIRREL. By the way thats like 7:00 In the Morning for me. Please Change the Time. I don't think anyone is gonna come in the morning.
yeah, I was actually thinking about offering to help test, then I re-read it, and I finally noticed that it said 10:30 am EASTERN time. At least 11:30 am EST is fine with me, just definitely not 10:30 EST EDIT: Forgot to add my GT. It's Okage4, just like my username (that's an "oh", not a zero)
Does this play with convoy? Send me an invite as well, I don't have school for another 2 weeks, although I may not be online at 7:30 in the morning.