How many people are going to see this movie? It looks good and the animations look fabulous. What would make this movie better if it was in 3D! What do you guys think about it?
I'll go and see it. At first, i was psyced, I remember watching the show way back when. But then i saw the trailer for it, and, meh. It just doesnt seem the same. Oh well, ill go see it anyway
This movie seems a bit too CGI friendly for my taste. If they were going to make a speed racer movie they should have made the film less futuristic...but what do I know. I'm pretty sure its going to flop at the box looks a little obnoxious....but thats just my opinion. I'd much rather see Iron Man, now that movie looks like fun.
Yeh I'm with ya, I can't wait for Iron Man! Looks awesome, I've been a fan ever since I was a kid. But Speed Racer looks pretty interesting. Yeh, pretty heavy CGI, and I never really watched the show, but c'mon its the Wachowski bros... as long as its not a sequel I think it could be worth it.