I don't really think the pics are still classified as "leaked/illegal" now that anyone can go get a gameinformer. Is that correct or no? Anyways, I am really excited for reach. The change to a darker atmosphere really intrigues me and gives me the feeling that the story will reflect that darkness
Scans of any paid-for magazine, book, etc are illegal. This isn't hard to understand. The pictures look pretty sweet to me, but I still feel like alot of this sounds gimmicky. I guess we'll see.
Well, I know that you can see the Skirmishers on Halo Wiki. As for the Grunts, I'm not too sure. I heard that there was supposed to be some more information released today, which doesn't seem possible since they've pretty much given us a summary of all of the new details added. Besides the plot, that is.
Theres two more things in multiplayer that they have under wraps and there could be other new things that just weren't shown, like an improved forge maybe.
Skirmishers are like regular jackals with more raptor looking heads, oh and their black. The grunts look like grunts with special ops elite armor. Here i'll put 2 and 2 together for ya. basically this wearing this
Halo of Duty. I honestly think that those who worry about things like that should simply accept the change that's coming, although I too am a bit worried that I won't feel like I'm playing Halo any more in Reach. I think the major difference is the 'perks' have recharge times, meaning that there won't be some little cloaking bastard who just runs around shotgun-ing people, then retreating to a nice, safe corner. I never understood how the perks in Call of Duty made the game fun for anyone. Then again, I don't own the game...
I have faith Bungie will implement them intelligently. I could see the recharge working on long spans.. like, you could use it once every 2 minutes or so. We'll see.
Basically, but the pointy part of the grunt's methane tank is round and looks more organic. From what I remember, they were a light purple color.
EB Games posted the GI screenshots on their site (they're owned by the same company) but then took them down. There have been threads on Bnet which mods have just left (and replied too) but not locked so I don't think they are really "leaked", just released sooner than planned! You can see them here
Halo Reach Edge details | Video Game Online Forums & Community | Game Platform Discussions for Video Games - GameTrailers.com -Reach is 70 percent complete. -They gutted the old engine and left "no component untouched" when improving it. -Now players will look the same throughout multiplayer, coop and singleplayer (and the way they look will be customizable) -Hints there will be power drain and grav lift armour abilities.. -There is a 3d radar and the HUD can now highlight various environmental features and overlay information about them. -Night vision returns to Reach (as seen in ODST). -On the pause screen it mentions "grades and credits" but Bungie wont discuss them yet. Probably to do with the character customization system. -The AR leaves smoke and sparks when it fires. Explosions have been completely redone for Reach. They are apparently, huge, dirty and lingering. -Green marine monocle returns. WIN. -Bungie were disappointed with the reaction of people to the halo 3 marine, so theyve brought back the flavour of the halo 1 marine. -Mongoose return confirmed. -Assassinations (by holding down melee) will feature in multiplayer and the instant assassination of past halos may not be featured at all. Bungie is using the Beta to decide how it will feature. -Huge landscapes - but you can visit each area. In coop you may see your buddy fighting a long way off in the distance. Teleportation is far less strict. -Bungie is bending the Xbox as far as it will bend and really pushing the hardware. -Tung says there will be some big surprises in campaign. -The game features rain which will leave covered areas dry and vice versa. -Elite AI has been improved a lot. They might be doing something like fixing a door and then something may attack them, but once they have dealt with the threat they'll go back to what they were doing before. -"Bungie's not fixed on leaving the trusty BR out". The DMR has 3X zoom. -Shield recharge not as fast as Halo 3's. -Halo Reach's current build has a lot of computer generated audio used a place holders, meaning that the leaked beta menu footage may well be genuine. -A few new screenshots in the article, the best being a double page spread epic view of the spartans in a cockpit. There is an artwork of Emile with a grenade launcher. -Lehto admits that there was no generational leap on the animation side between combat evolved and ODST, but in Reach they will make them all look like the trailer (including facial animations). From edge
That information just eliminated any worries I had about this game. It's become a must buy for me now. Win.
Halo is always a must buy..but it really seems as they are working their asses off. The only thing that worries me is playing as SIII's. I haven't finished GoO yet (the book), but it seems to me the SIII's are quite a bit weaker than SII's..specifically because they use SPI armor, were younger and had a shortened training program. Armor in the shots looks like Mark V though..and if it has shields then it should be. I'm curious how the story will bend for that. Maybe I'll know if I finish GoO. If you know..don't spoil it
I think somewhere on the b.net forums people are saying their using the old out dated Marv IV armor. It looks similar to the Mark V from halo 1 but the recharge rate is lower on the shielding and all that, so from what's been confirmed on the game and what i know of the Mark IV armor i think we can assume its that and not the SPI. This does look to be the best halo game ever, I like the new radar and how the environment changes. Oh the rain and all that its sweet. Not to mention driving the civilian vehicles, although the thing in the picture looks like a civilian hog, not a civilian car per say. Edit: i really hope for a more advanced version of firefight like one with the ability to have a mm play list style not have to have 3 friends join in a private game. Oh and btw look at the girl (w/e her name is) is that a shot gun or a grenade launcher? ya'll decide, i think somewhere i saw an BR (DMR or w/e) with a grenade launcher attachment also. fast edit haha, nvm thats her hand she is holding an AR, doiy i just checked it out on my zoom thingy haha.
Has anyone else noticed that the grunts in these two pictures Look the same as the did in H3? Maybe the "new" ones in Reach are of a higher rank?
There is a grenade launcher in the game though, some picture somewhere showed grenade launcher ammo, and another picture somewhere else showed a grenade launcher. There is also a single-shot BR like in Halo 2's trailer if anybody didn't know.