Virus Strain 57

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Twilight GN0ME, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
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    Virus Strain 57 is a highly tuned tactical zombie mode, but also a selection of maps developed to provide a variety of infected experiences, each map special and fun in its own way. It’s a tug-of-war style combat zone, in which quick tactical decisions as a group are rewarded. Human players must think in the long term to ensure they can survive the six minutes of onslaught that await them. Not only do they have to face endless waves of zombies, they have to last long enough to earn ammo, and unlock defensive positions. But, once a door is opened, it can be entered from both directions, as not only do the humans get the advantage, but after a certain amount of time, zombies gain access into the base via different routes to ensure that nowhere is safe forever. Humans have to make the vital decision in which defines survival and death; defence or ammo?

    Virus Strain 57 began around a year ago, in which I developed a zombie mode for a map called Quarantine (High Ground), in which the humans had their main base adjacent to the SAM unit. Fast, low damage zombies were included within the map; not enough health to attack in single player attempts, but as a group proved devastating. This method of teamwork on both teams I continued to develop. But also, I developed the beginnings of the timer system, in which I placed strategically placed crates which gave zombies access to the roof and other strategically vital positions. The first major breakthrough was when Foundry was released, and players were truly allowed to show their potential with map creation. I began work on a new map; the design created to provide a balanced combat, and in which they players would have to rely on instinct and accuracy to survive. The concept I came up with early last year, when I was trying to find a method of making the game balanced. Doing this, I asked myself these questions:

    • What makes the game infection fun for the humans?
    • What makes the game infection fun for the zombies?
    • What makes the game infection boring for humans?
    • What makes the game infection boring for zombies?
    This was achieved by playing a variety of game modes and maps, defining what were fun and balanced for both teams, and actually relied on teamwork and skill to survive.

    These seemed to indicate:

    • What makes the game infection fun for the humans is:
    · A strong defence

    · Plenty of weapons

    · Weak zombies but high speed
    • What makes the game infection fun for the zombies is :
    · Attacking groups of humans in huge numbers

    · High speed zombies

    · More than one route to attack them from
    • What makes the game infection boring for the humans is:
    · Overpowered zombies; (too high speed/invisible/health boost)

    · No time limit: games go on forever and get boring

    · Realism: infection needs more realistic maps/modes
    • What makes the game infection boring for the zombies is:
    · Overpowered humans; (instant kill/infinite ammo)

    · No time limit: games that can’t be won by zombies get boring if they don’t finish regardless
    · No adaption: zombies forced into same linear route


    As a result of this, I began to develop a mode which catered for all of these problems and more. Clearly, the problem seemed to be the issue with overpowered enemies on both sides. To fix this, I reduced the number of powers which were additional to the default infection mode. If anything, I removed a lot of features from each side which as a result benefited the gameplay, just keeping a few basic features which were simple but realistic*. On top of this, I wanted to create an altering map which encouraged improvisation and for leaders to step forward and take control of the group. Also, I wanted there to be an aspect of the zombies being weaker than humans, which as proven outside any of specified maps for this mode were easy to win. Despite this, I wanted the zombies to have a major tactical advantage, one that the humans couldn’t fight; the map itself.

    *Obviously realistic is a stupid word to use since a zombie apocalypse on a giant floating rock suspended on a blue grid above a desert surrounded by lasers on a distant planet apparently occupied by humans and zombies isn’t really a realistic atmosphere -_-

    For this mode I began to do some layouts for a static zombie defence map, having seen that the linear route zombie map was not at all an original idea. While usually a static map would provide a usually boring and repetitive map, my idea instead provided different routes into the base appearing after a certain amount of time. I created a very basic layout for the maps, in which I forced the players to choose between defence and weapons. After designing two zombie maps on Foundry to a great success for fast paced matches, I dived on the opportunity to re-build the map on Sandbox when it was released. After a good year of working on the maps, the project is complete; all that’s left to do is lock, load and hold out for 6 action packed minutes of slaughter.

    Gameplay Explained:

    The final result I have for Virus Strain 57 is 4 unique zombie maps used under one mode. Humans have limited ammo to start the match, with no weapons whatsoever on the map other than weapons containers. These weapon containers are unreachable, and are most of the time in a tactically defenceless position, meaning humans cannot defend them. Humans have high gravity meaning they cannot reach the boxes until a ramp appears giving them access. After ten seconds on each map, a red light activates to confirm the base is breached. From this point on, events throughout the game ensure that no position on the map is easily defended. Zombies have above average speed and low gravity, meaning they can traverse the map just enough to provide access to some areas but not others. The main method of zombie transport throughout levels for zombies is intricate networks of Mancannons and teleports, giving access to tactically weak points on all 4 of the maps. But, to reach these, the Mancannons must spawn first, meaning that the undead must be patient use the routes available to their optimum level. Zombies are vulnerable to headshots, and are strongest in groups, attacking at once from a variety of directions. Unlike other zombie experiences out there, I have preferred to stick to a one bite one kill policy; if one zombie lands a blow one time; it’s over, so distance is key to survival. While the mode is a period of six minutes, the maps consist of 3 minutes of events, and 3 minutes of holding out with the events in effect. By the time the first 3 minutes pass, a suitable defence should have been highlighted according to how long you have survived. The defence should be fully equipped with ammo collected, traps and enough distance from the undead to get through the 6 minutes alive.


    Magnum Pistol
    The Pistol is a single shot dual wieldable weapon which deals out high damage. One round to the head of any zombie should leave them twitching corpses. Frequently found in boxes with usually a clip spare, these are a basic
    but effective zombie killing tool.

    The Sub Machine Gun is the primary weapon of humans. Despite its apparent weakness on its own, dual wielding it with another one or laying down heavy fire in concentrated shots which devastate zombie offences.

    Assault Rifle
    The Assault Rifle is a more powerful equivalent of the SMG, but with less ammo. Due to its successor the Battle Rifle, it has declined in use within the military. Good for killing stragglers, but when large groups of zombies begin to pour into the base, their use is limited.

    Battle Rifle
    Summary: The Battle Rifle is human secondary choice of weaponry; a 3 shot burst rifle which deals out highly accurate shots at a high rate. A single bullet to the head is sufficient to kill a zombie. This is the ultimate zombie killing tool, but ammunition is hard to come by, usually insufficient amounts for large groups. Efficiency with shots is key to make this weapon last.

    This weapon devastates zombies with one hit kills from a 3 metre radius, and when wielded by multiple soldiers makes them a force to be reckoned with. The perfect weapon for when a human has his back against a wall with zombies advancing fast.

    Sniper Rifle
    A heavy damage weapon which can tear holes through zombie flesh like a knife through paper. The Sniper can take out multiple enemies with one shot, but requires a well trained sniper to be able to hit the high speed zombies charging at humans.

    Rocket Launcher
    This beast of a weapon can turn a zombie horde to burning chunks of meat within seconds, dealing out massive damage over a large area. Brilliant for blasting away massive groups to pieces but sluggish to reload if zombies get too close.

    The Molotov is a highly flammable grenade which kills zombies gradually on impact. Dead corpses on fire also can kill if stood near. If thrown on the floor, the grenade causes damage to whoever walks on it. The maximum carried is 2 of these.

    The tripmine is a deployable explosive that if stepped on causes a large explosion in which all within a radius of approximately 4 meters dies. The mine can be shot at to set it off early, and only one can be carried.

    Explosive Barrels
    The explosive barrel is a highly explosive container which can be moved throughout the map. Usually found in piles, these can be used to lay traps for the infected, along with if shot correctly can set off explosions killing infected in blind spots of the humans line of sight.

    Motion Tracking System
    The Motion Tracking System is a highly effective method of locating the position of zombies, which is achieved by tracking small tracking chips placed in their heads when they were alive. The MTS provides a perfect view of the infected within a 25 metre radius. This lasts for a period of 30 seconds, and when the MTS expires, it automatically recharges in its original starting position. Great for tracking enemies, but has no regard for different floors of buildings, meaning enemies may be closer than you think.

    Zombie Forearm
    The infected weapon, whilst deadly in the hands of a zombie is near completely useless in the hands of a human. These should only be used in the worst case scenario that you completely run out of bullets. While it is possible to take down one zombie at a time with it, all it takes is a mistimed strike and you’ll be using the weapon permanently as one of the undead ranks.

    Tactical Do's and Dont's:

    Humans Do:

    Stick together: The key to this map is keeping the team together in one designated area. Its no good having half the humans in one place while the other remain in another.
    Communicate: This is critical to any chance to survival on the maps. Informing teammates of everything from reloading to what routes into the base are open are the tiny factors which make the difference between life and death.
    Re-stock: The ammunition boxes are the few factors of the map in your favor: utilize them at every possible opportunity. Despite headshots proving fatal almost instantly, humans are more prone to panicking and firing off whole clips as distance between humans and zombies drop.
    Birds Eye: Make sure that someone picks up the MTS; don't let zombies slip under the radar. On some maps, when positioned correctly, it renders routes into the base for zombies useless.

    Humans Dont:

    Melee Zombies: While using the butt of a rifle proves satisfying and easy to use when you run out of ammo, humans who use the primitive melee weapons of the zombies don’t last long.
    Run dry: Ammo runs out dramatically fast in combat, so don't leave clips half empty; whilst you reload zombies quickly fill the distance between you and them so uses calm points to reload both weapons.
    Camp: Whilst it proves an easy place to defend at first, the primary position belongs to the zombies - whether you want to put that to the test is your decision.
    Flood Weapons Boxes: If all the humans go for ammunition at the same time that leaves nobody to defend the base. Get the balance right or pay dearly.

    Zombies Do:

    Synchronize Attacks: Attack at the same time to give humans too many targets to shoot. Use multiple routes to increase the infection rate.
    Protect your Head: To survive longer whist attacking humans, turn backwards and duck your head down to reduce headshot damage and increase ammo used, keeping in mind you can’t see where you’re going. Attack Vertically: Getting the drop on humans is a far more efficient method of killing humans; dropping vertically means zombie heads aren't vulnerable, and gravity does most of the distance covering.
    Create Distractions: Repeatedly running past doors setting trigger happy humans off shooting at you and wasting ammo.

    Zombies Dont:

    Give up: If the humans persistently continue to kill you from a specific route, keep pushing forwards to wear down their ammo and put them into a false sense of security before other routes spawn.
    Run straight in: Wait until you re-group in higher numbers. Especially near entrances; humans have the habit of letting curiosity get the better of them.
    Stay in Cover: Hiding behind cover can only last for a certain amount of time before humans can manage a headshot angle.
    Synchronize Attacks with Explosives Nearby: Always send in one zombie first to detonate explosives before everyone else attacks, preventing multi kill explosions.

    Below are the 4 titles of the 4 maps of Virus Strain 57; in the coming weeks, more information on each map will be released, by clicking on the picture will take you to a post explaining more information about each map. Having released my first map out of my own choice, I will be holding a poll for the next map up for release: it’s down to the community to vote for the next map they want. More information on that soon.

    Download Now!​

    Coming Soon!​

    Coming Soon!​

    Coming Soon!​

    Thanks and hope you all enjoy the maps as much as I have had making them,


    Thanks to:
    Testers Guild
    Obibital (For Feature on Last Man Standing for Lockdown)
    Zombies Inc
    All my testers (For oh so helpfully breaking the maps constantly)
    And Bungie.

    Editors Note: This post is created to offer more information into the mode Virus Strain 57. Since a place on the forums to put a thread on modes for games didn't exhist, I placed the post on here. The original plan was to release this on here first, but due to recent events the map was released first. Thanks and please if you have any issues please pm me please rather than complaining on the post because it doesnt help anyone, since as with my last post with this, when multiple people complained, I couldn't edit the post when additional content was prepared.
    #1 Twilight GN0ME, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Black chapel by far looks like its going to be the best... hope it is, i was going to make a church infection map once but i forgot to finish it... maybe i will now. idk, looks cool though.
  3. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    These look fantastic, it looks like you went to tremendous lengths to make Infection fun for both factions. Reminds me of my The Flood map, except mine's dark. Once again, fantastic job, but I need to know, what weapon is the explosive barrel?
  4. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Wow, i have to say this looks like it's going to be an epic series. Some concrete stats on the humans/zombies would have been nice, though. Lockdown is looking to be my favorite of the bunch.
  5. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    Why did you make an individual thread for lockdown if you were planning on making a map pack thread?
  6. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Twilight Gnome By Far u have Out Done ur self with this map its very Fun Obi showed this to me and its really well made rate : 5/5 Good Job
  7. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I Cant wait for black chappel ! It looks nicely forged !
  8. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a repost all you did was say your also going to post those. Its as good as reposting lock down and a map preview for the other maps.
  9. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    First, this seems like it would be more appropriate in the Forge Discussion section. I'll request a move. The gametype has potential, but this isn't the proper place for this kind of thread. This sums up the details of your gametype, similar to the Book of Conquest or the Asset thread.
  10. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is incorrect, since this post doesnt have any information other than the posters and the links in them in common with the Lockdown post. I did this to save readers having this page to relate back to rather than having to read the same information over and over again on the posts when I released them, as it saves me and the reader time.

    Thanks for your concern,

  11. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I played two of these maps with you (Gnome) and Obibital the other day and I have to say that this holdout style of infection plays out well. The games were fun and your post here was well thought out as well. I hope we'll see those other maps soon.
  12. King x Sausage

    King x Sausage Ancient
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    i was going around DL-ing when i came across lockdown,i found out what i could about VS57, and its pretty cool. these maps look great, cant wait for 'em!

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