Asset Map Question

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HopefulRUIN, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, I'm currently in the middle of making an Asset map on Sandbox and I don't know what gametype to use for it. It Cannot be a Holdout Map and (It starts at one end of sandbox and goes straight through the middle so) I think its too long to be a normal Escort map.

    Basically I need peoples opinions on whether I should Just try to make it work with Escort, Wait untill Rifte Gifle releases his Convoy Map Pack and use the gametype from that or make my own Spin-Off Varient...

    Your Opinions would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    asset long probably would work if the normal asset v2 is too short for your map. Just try to fit it so it wrks with one of them because people dont like to have to dl two things for one play... and dont like gametypes that wont be used on other asset maps.
  3. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    Jellofish says wait for Covoyz
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Convoy will be released hopefully in the next couple days. Just wait for it ;)

    Also, there are three destination points, so don't forget about that.
  5. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, Im working on it with somebody else right now
    I guess i'll get all the forging done and then work out what else I should do when Convoy is released.
    The three destination points will definetly be usefull, seeing as the middle of the map is taken up by a HUGE bridge, and not like the bridge on your map rifte. Trust me its gigantic. But without a destination point on it people could just go underneath, and that would suck -__-

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