
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Dec 21, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And to review a map, you use fact.
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Opinions conveyed as fact have no place except in poor, childish rhetoric, even aside from the forum environment. Did I ever say that I wanted to discourage expression of an opinion? No, my point was that opinion stated as fact, and then the poster expecting others to act upon that opinion as if it were fact, is a pompous and unhelpful action.

    If you'd actually read past that one sentence you posted you would have realised that. Didn't anyone ever teach you to actually read posts before replying to them?

    On the wider note, this is just a heads up that we want things to stay nice in here. Right now the discussion hasn't gotten personal, it's still about the map, though people are getting a little ruffled and I'd advise those of you to cool off a little before coming back to this so that it stays peaceful. These maps which produce a real polarisation of opinion are great in a sense, just don't let it start to seem more important than it actually is guys.
  3. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Absolutely great map and I love how it plays differently from the normal straight-cut MLG map. Really ingenious design which looks great and provides gameplay which won't get boring.

    One question though, why are most of the items set to 180 respawn? I know it makes no difference but I've never seen it before, is it a specific setting to MLG maps?
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    As in double boxes and single boxes? They're probably just left at 180 second respawns from the forging. Most people set objects to 180 second respawns for interlocking.
  5. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Boxes, walls, loads of objects. I guess I'm the only one that changes it back to 30 sec respawn when I've finished interlocking. Its no biggie, just wondering if there was a reason for it.
  6. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya I do that to incase I forget to undo some of the spawn settings from no to yes. Also a habbit

    In ignite I dont think you can see purple to gold. Just saying cuz it might be better if there was a line of sight between them. (they can see eachother around the middle)
    #46 KILLn Machine12, Dec 24, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2009
  7. ipwnuinbutt1313

    ipwnuinbutt1313 Forerunner

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    this is a beautifully constructed map but it was a tid obvious you didn't have playability in mind while making this map. the geoforming done is great. i'm a beginner to geoforming so if someone can help me my gamer tag is: ipwnuinbutt1313.
  8. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    How did we not have playability in mind?

    And as for the 180 respawn on everything, that is a habit of mine to make sure I have double checked every single piece on the map. Make sure it's in the right place, set to spawn at start "yes" and the 180 respawn means that object is in it's final location. OCD I guess.

    And the bolded above is "Geomerging".
  9. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like this map alot. It looks sick and twisted and plays great. I only played MLG TS but it was fun. Now dont get me wrong, I am not an MLG kid nor am I a BR pro, but this doesnt really remind me of amplified. That isnt a bad thing though, I would much rather play this than amplified, but I am sure thats a given. I must also pay homage to amplified though. It was one if the first maps that made me want to forge and it got me started on checking out other custom maps which lead me here to FH. So thanks Fritzer, for making an awesome map a long time ago, and then making an epic new version of it now with Deathstar. Amazing.

    Edit: LOL at Deathstars and Fritzer rating their map as not their style.
    #49 Zombievillan, Dec 25, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2009
  10. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    idk, i just have a hard time being impressed by any mlg style map, there all just so boring. They all have the same basic feel, two bases, walkways on the edges and a center structure in the middle. Not that this isnt well forged, but in my opinion "good" maps are the ones that manage to have a unique feel, usually asymetrical, and also play amazingly well. Also i think it could be agreed on that generally people prefer those kind of maps instead of arena maps. Most people i talk to dont like them actually
  11. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well this is built for a highly competetive games, which needs to be completely fair, which its hard to make an asymmetric map that is at least 90% fair. Also, they built this to "revamp" and older map, so thats also to be considered.
  12. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    I see what your saying Zombievillan, i guess what i should say is just that ive never quite understood the mlg... mindset i guess you could say. Sure, i get intense when playing, but i dont understand the desire for the completely even maps with the boring weapons, idk, in my opinion i think mlg takes the fun out of halo
  13. KoNaBoYo 912

    KoNaBoYo 912 Forerunner

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    :happy::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: This is a amazing map, and to whoever first made this map, I give you serious props:eod::surprise:dst::rogue::security::cqb::eva::scout::markv::combat::flight::ascetic::assualt::commando:
  14. hyabusa1337

    hyabusa1337 Ancient
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    I read the whole thing, he said it was terrible and in his opinion gameplay > aesthetic, then you said didn't anyone teach him the difference between fact and opinion, comments are for your opinion on maps he didnt use facts but that's still his opinion, also you basically told him his comments is valued because he doesn't know as much.
    #54 hyabusa1337, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  15. silvergt

    silvergt Forerunner

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    to be honest man, im going to state my honest opinion, im not looking to flame, or get flamed. but im just not seeing what all the hubbub is about this map :O it just looks like an mlg map that you'd BR your enemys down.

    on the other hand, it does look very very smooth and forged well.
  16. FSC Nightmare

    FSC Nightmare Ancient
    Senior Member

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    When I look at the map, I notice a lot of similarities with this map and various MLG maps that are on foundry. Very good forging, nicely done, my eyes are always focused on the giant cube in the middle. You have great, and amazing features that would provide great gameplay, and overall an amazing map!
  17. Ginger Kidd

    Ginger Kidd Forerunner

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    I remember reading about them making this map on MLGpro a few months ago. Congrats on finishing it, and I'm going to enjoy playing it!
  18. xSpEcTerrr

    xSpEcTerrr Forerunner

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    Great map it is one of the best forged maps I have ever seen. The cube in the center is just amazing looking and we had fun playing the map as well. I already posted me review of the map and we played it for a hour to get a good review in hope it convinces people to try the map.
  19. jshaf23

    jshaf23 Forerunner

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    heh, somebody should be an abstract artist... anyway pretty cool map. the cube in the center looks great, and i love how you made a duplicate of the thing that hangs from the ceiling with window panels. Great geomerging/ ghost merging as well. 4/5
  20. RemJell

    RemJell Forerunner

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    Wow this map is sick!;)
    After seeing one pic i downloaded it..

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