(Just note before you go blabbering off this isn't advertising.) Site Link (If you wish to look if not please keep reading on) Spoiler http://gnareport.wordpress.com/ The gna report was created by me in an attempt to educate anyone with the interest in Graphics design and some other kinds of art. What is the Goal of me even posting this in the first place though? This is to help get some friendly artists together and help the graphics community and like I said to help educate the willing. Anything from Tutorials and Resources will be present on the site will other little things that should keep people reading. Now if you wish to help with this then here's just a few things to note: - We're helping the community not just ourselves here - Having nice, clean, and well planned out posts (when needed) - Able to post alreast once or twice a week (or more would be wonderful) - Having an Wordpress account to get started right away (However if not one can be made) - And over-all general knowledge of Signature making, Computer GFX design, or anyother kind of specialized know-how. (Might need to explain what your good in and what not good in) Im also looking for Ideas to be up forth like daily topics. Ie: Interviews with artists, showcasing sigs, or resources/tutorials, etc. So if you have an interesting idea im willing to listen and see what can be done. Comments and Ideas are greatly welcome.
Which has been inactive for about 4 months now? Im asking people if they like to join, to maybe to help, however this isn't just for FH only site in the first place.
i like the idea and way it would be done.. and i take full responsibility for the deficiency of the dA account.. that was my fault... i always try to start projects when i know i don't have the time.. ah wel. Anyways, i think this is a good idea, but.. im not sure really how many people would read it asides from us? i guess thats the main part of entrepeuring is taking a risk though... i say start it up
Oh! You'd be surprised what spreading the word can do, especially from one graphics forum to another.
Again Im even posting this in the first place here because I know alot more artists personally then if i go on other forums im on, which then maybe i get get afew more people to get help with running the blog. Also for the spread of the news if there is good stuff on there and its updated alot, then it will spread like wild fire and keep people coming to read it.
This isn't just for FH, its for multiple forums. It's pretty much a heads up to the public if they wanna know.
I like the idea, if I ever get some kind of softwar to allow to do gfx I'd definitely like somewhere to get help from people that are really good at what they do and look at that... I say yes, it should be done.
Its already been made and I am going to keep working on it. We also have 2 other staff atm, and we are still looking for one or two or authors to join up and help with the blog.
I'd love to help, but my sigs aren't as good as some, and my teaching style is way off from the way people learn. Anything else I could help with?
If you wish to help you you don't really need to just work with signatures. Contest, General Knowledge posting like, information about something cool you found about how to make something, or a nice pack or C4D's etc. Those are just example however there is alot that can be done, however we'd have to talk it over before you would start to post on exactly what you would be doing to help.
Would they be your's or others? If there someone else's then if you would then you'd have to give permission to where you found it and who made it. If you did that, I dont think Id have a problem with anything. Also would you be just tutorials or would you maybe want to do more resource varied? Like finding packs, renders, etc?
They'd be mine. But all I'd do is submit a tutorial for now. You know, the one that explains how to make a signature from scratch? That's all I have. Otherwise there's just the regular drawings from my deviantart page. Wait, I do know a great site where I used to get all my renders. I wonder if I should release it though.
Well id love to see that you would post more then one tutorial or anything like that in the furture, thats why I suggested that maybe you could do resources or some sorts. And that kind of stuff (Like sites that are hard to find or something) would be your choice if you'd choose to disclose its location to the public.
Haha, the sites not hard to find, it's the renders in the site. Anyhow, you want it in a PM so you can promote your blog more?
If you'd like If its really good then its likely that I may write something about it soon. Also would you like to join then or wait alittle bit so you can maybe get more stuff to kinda post about or tbh get a general idea on what you would like to do and be able to stick with doing?