I'm no expert, but to me, with all the blurring you've done to the background I'd like to see more vibrance in the focal of the sig.
hes got a point. the focal doesnt exactly pop because of colours. now your effects and text look great though. very well done on the behind the window text.
I did saturate the car, it was almost silver before. I was going to add color to the car but it ended up looking very weird. Any suggestions?
At a split-second first glance, I didn't even notice the text! It seems so blended in with the image, which is good IMO. The flow is good, but not fully noticeable. Emphasize on it just a bit more?
Version dos up using your two suggestions. Changes were slight, desaturated background and added some stuff at back of car to emphasize flow a bit.
Maybe you're just BLIND. D:< Good, but not enough flow. Now, many of you might say "NOT ALL SIGS NEED FLOW" well, in this case it does. It already has flow going in the stock itself, so why try to quiet it down?
Alright I don't understand. I clearly see the flow going from the front of the car backwards. Which I helped with the effects (Liiquify, stars, motion blur, etc.).
Well, what it seems to me, is that that car has spiderwebs pulling it back. If I were to do it, just my idea (doesn't mean you should do it), is have collision effects on it. Like what water does when it collides with a high speeds impact. The higher the splash, the faster it was going, right? Well something along those lines. It just seems like spiderwebs, not slipstreams.