Hi, i wanted to know if you have to keep the maps you make in your file share for people to download them from bungie.net. I have posted a map already but i don't really want to keep in it my file share forever just so people can download it. I linked the map & game type to somewhere on Bungie.net (jumpy is map name) or have i just done this wrong? Thanks in advance
For a while after I took one of my maps off my fileshare it still took me to the bungie link of the map but whenever I clicked download an error message popped. I'm pretty sure for it to work properly it needs to stay in your fileshare. I recommend Bungie Pro so you're not always having to cycle maps.
It has to stay in a fileshare, doesn't neccessarily have to be yours, But it needs to be in a fileshare somewhere. I had some friends who don't forge or do anything special go to B.net and copy my file into theirs so it could still be downloaded and I could remove it from mine. Much easier solution: Get Bungie Pro.
okay, thanks, but that seems a little annoying, especially to people who post a lot of maps.. but what ever, i have two other silver accounts can i put the maps i make onto a silver account file share?