Author: a sniper gecko Download Map here This is the first map I have made on this account and I think it turned out quite nicely. The spawns are symmetrically balanced and there are a variety of weapons riddled throughout. The map was designed to be have an indoor feel like you're closed in, but also an outdoor, free-roamy feel that you get from Guardian, or Blackout. The map, a gecko's branch, was inspired by Narrows, and designed with Slayer, SWAT and Snipers in mind. A few pictures from around the map:
well ur pics arn't working, idk what site you used but you ought to fix them. The admins like to use the lock button haha. Anyway im dling regardless cause it sounds interesting.
I used the image embed thing and the images are on Bungie but I can't get them on here. I've tried over twelve times, I can't figure it out.
Thank you very much Psychoduck and Fusionguy, I think they should put that vid and mention photobucket in the rules. I have never embedded things before- no need, so I had no clue. Lol, anyway, thanks again
Looks like a solid map...but more pics please...i cant really tell. Its really hard to tell if there is interlocking, i can see some but, i cant...see
interlocking isn't necessary to make a good map. But if you look, there is a decent amount of interlocking. that aside though, it doesn't look like you used all of your budget, so maybe some railings to prevent wanderers from falling to their death would be good. overall very nice looking map though. DLing and I'll get back with gameplay comments.