Ok This new problem I have with ghost merging is that sertan objects like double walls dont always become ghosted. What I mean is that when I bring the object min to the max It dosent sporn a new ghosted object about 4 out of 5 times. This is anoying as it can take me 15 mins trying to just ghoast merge an objects and it realy isnt effective. I am hoping that someone could tell me whats I doing wrong and how I can fix this. Thanks Rudster Edit: Can someone please give me some Ideas for a small fence to put around some platforms. Just something realy small that will stop you walking off like on gardian.
Play with the already spawn of the same item. Generally what is happening is that you need to turn off the other spawned similar item and that does the trick. Second Idea I don't know what your looking for... or asking for or needing. NEED MORE WORDS!
Let the object settle before dummying and dummy a few times to make sure. I have found that sometimes when I try to dummy I aciddentally pick it up and drop without notcing so the object becomes unsettled again and not dummied. Just keep trying, it does work because the map I am working on now had double walls to ghost merge.
Ok I will explain it differently. I place objects A and B. I then do the up A trick to make them movable. I move them with a new objects, Object C. I delete object C. I change object A's spawn time to never. I pick up object B and hit object A with it. I wait for object A to disapear. I then change object B's Run-Time Min to Max. This should make a new object object D spawn in my hand, But with some objects like the Double Wall on Sandbox it dosent work. Object D dosent spawn. I hope this is writen out well so you can tell whats happening.
Set respawn never before dummying. It does work because I KNOW it works with double walls. I was ghost merging double walls a few days ago.
If you're on an old map that may be the problem. For example Last Resort has containers, which work fine for ghost merging on Foundry and Avalanche, but they can move on Last Resort and cannot be ghost merged. But I think I know the problem you're talking about. It only happens maybe 1 out of 20 times for me, unless I cause it by doing something wrong without noticing it, like forgetting to set the first spawned object to never respawn, or selecting it and deselecting it without noticing. There is something that causes that to happen randomly I think, but to me I think the random times it happens are very rare. But I could be causing those too myself somehow I suppose lol. My suggestion is just to make sure you don't go through the whole process hitting buttons too fast and not hit one accidently without noticing, because thats easy to do for me at least. If its not that, I don't know whats causing it lol.
He just said he was on sandbox. I believe you can only ghost non-movable objects anyway. Before trying to ghost it at all, make sure the teardrops stay put when you slap the dummied objects out of the way. If the teardrop goes with it then it means you didn't let the object settle before you placed it and it will not ghost right.
I had this same problem, so I can help. After dummying the objects, make sure you move them pretty far away from their original positions. If you don't do that, it occasionally won't work. This happens most often with walls.