Invasion 2 Similar to the previous Invasion post, this one focuses more on the Infection side of things, and a FREAKIN AWESOME MAIN BASE!! Not much more to it than that. Just kick-butt-ness. Pics: Overview Entrance Flight Deck Garage Human start and Armory Rollin out Zombie start Once again this could be made a lot better, blah blah blah. DL: : Halo 3 File Details V2 anyone???
so invasion 1 is a differnt map when i sore it on the board i was like double post much? But anyway it's basicaly a huge war with humans and elites, one problem what happens after everything is destroyed, the respawn times may take a while, and yt i can't see much of the map so i can not tell if there any cover in the middle or near the bases. Are there any differnt gametypes rather then a huge war? Humans You have a awesome base for the humans and it is stacked neatly, a very nice base Middle I can't see much but theres nothing in the middle so not much to say. Elites why would you give the humans a base when the elites need a base to? try balance your resoreses to build the elites a base. i will download and give you more feedback later
No Ill admit theres not much in the middle. And eventually the humans will get overrun by the zombies, it happens everytime. Tweak the game types however you want. I didnt put a gametype on there so feel free i guess. I know it looks like I have no testing but Ive had some But isnt that base cool? lol
A tank on Infection? Aesthetic-wise, 3/5. Gametype/play-wise, 1.5/5 *NOTE* This is from reading the post, looking at the pictures carefully, and visioning in my mind what the map would play like. It seems like the humans would always win mainly because of the large armory and the tank especially.
Cool idea, I just think that maybe if you ghost merged a flat area with like some double blocks or something you could have a flat surface for the vehicles and a flat roof for the hornets to take off from. Otherwise sweet this has potential.