Remembrance V2 ok i said i was going to post this on jan first but... i will not have a computer then...sad face iv done lots of testing and im shure it all works grate. !!! two new game types !!! =) supports download map >>here<< king of the hill odd ball slayer images: i have fix the gravlifts so you dont have to try and get on them just walk or run and you will make it across it no more trying and getting shot at "shotgun has been moved to regen area and regen to shotgun area" people have asked what his gravlift is for: its for going to top sniper from mid thanks for looking at my map: download is uptop^ REMEMBRANCE V2 P.S NOT A REMAKE
ok so it looks sloppy. but is seemingly close to guardian and me likes. ill give u a 6/10 for successful remake
Ahem where in his post did it say it was a remake. It's simmalar but that's probably because guardian is a great map. On the map well forged nice layout. Send me a friend request and I'll test it with ya.
its not a remake iv added the sniper tower/ the middle has a grav hammer in the same spot but thats it... ___________________________________________ nothing about you i just hate to get bad post =( check out v1 in my sig and tell me witch 1 is sloppy"er"
ok its definitely inspired then 6/10 inspiration points? lol. idk. but honestly look at it. practically a remake.
Sorry, but this looks like a sad remake of guardian.There are a lot of sloppy points; The part of this map I dislike the most, with the floating grav-lifts. It seems more than likely that you are going to overshoot a gravlift, and you know what happens next. Remake or not, this map could still use a little "touch-ups" here and there.
Not a remake this is not a remake am I clear? as stated in my other post i smiply took the sniper tower aspect of it. you say this is sloppy and i agree but what parts? some are ment to be sloppy... if you say something is sloppy STATE WHAT IS SLOPPY... P.S thanks for your -.- wonderful post please be shure to see how "sloppy" my V1 is....
I think it looks rather nice, actually. I don't like the grass field that has no stone railings on it though. Maybe that is the sloppy part some people were saying. I love Guardian-inspired maps, and yours doesn't disappoint I know it isn't a remake (hence your large red words of death) but it is one of similar style, and that is awesome. Keep up the good work, and if you can, clean up those railings. How are the spawns?
I'll be a little more clear about myself. Most parts of this map are parts exactly like or similar to Guardian, so one can only assume that it is a remake. Also, after further inspection, a few parts I accused of being sloppy actually aren't. Is there a link to your V1 map? Is it the one in your sig?
Sure, it's not an intentional remake. Unintentionally, most of Rememberance is so similar, it might as well be a remake of Guardian; The central platform, the Blue and Red buildings, and the lower passage from Blue to Red are all carbon copies of Guardian's geometry. Fact is: with a few exceptions, this might as well be an attempt at a remake. You can deny it as much as you like; the map speaks for itself. -=Moxus=-
This looks very nice i like the fact it has some unique structures and has alittle distinction to guardian. Also How the **** is it sloppy it looks very nice from what i can tell anyway nice job keep up the good work..
the central platform only has a grav hammer it looks nothing like the platform in guardian plz take the time to LOOK at the central platform in guardian just becouse its round (sort of) doseint mean its like guardian P.S if i were to make it squar [] would you call it black out?
So the map are great but i will remake the second green if i was you . Cauz its the single part of the map who is not forging well !
your just saying that to make me angry i dont want to make remake this map so dont post saying remake green or something like that... im done with this map and willl be working on a new one
I personally agree about the grass. You show the circular aspect too much, and there is a gap it in. I thought it was interesting though, because I have never seen grass without a border- that said, I have never seen it for a reason. It would be a quick fix, you could use 3 pieces or maybe less, and it would make a huge difference. ^^^I am not just saying this to "Make you mad" it is called constructive criticism. Oh, and either accept the Guardian similarity comments, or make 100% unique structures.