For members of the GnA community: Kidbomber now has basic moderator actions and has been given the power to run Sig of the Week. In addition, we'll probably run some/most graphics contests that we have in the future through him so you have an official person to speak to for questions and comments and such. Give him some time to make any changes or whatever to SOTW, and I'm sure it'll be back to regular pretty fast. Congrats In addition, I am working to see if we can get some bigger graphics contests, possibly with physical prizes. If anything comes from that, you'll be informed.
sweet i posted something a while ago hoping we could get Lone Deity to become a mod but hey KB's just as good! and for bigger contests, great! i really need to get back to GnA
This was coming sometime. BOOOOOOOO YOU STINK KB. Go back to yo mamma! Nah, it's fine. It's just I thought your were cooler without the promotion.
(((((( kay then. well i hope your efforts improve the graphics and arts section in some way or another.
Bit of a bump, but I thought I should keep you guys up to date: I'm fairly convinced I want this forum to be really good. There's obviously a good amount of talent here, but I'm not sure how we can accommodate to grow bigger and better. Suggestions are always good. Stuff like forum modifications are tough, but we do have a professional web dev team who could theoretically do anything we want. That being said, we obviously want professional comments and so on. Any efforts towards that are always a big help. As far as the prizes: I'm still discussing them. We need an idea for a good big sized contest that warrant their use, while letting both sides advance (at the moment, we're thinking about some crystal-tint Gunnars, which are made for graphic people who can't use the warmer colors and more contrast the normal amber tint gives you (of course, we'll give you the option for the amber-tint if it doesn't matter to you), however this is all still in the throwing ideas around stage, and nothing's been particularly good so far. I'm also seeing about the potential for some BEANBAG CHAIRS D) from Sumo Lounge. Suggestions for a good contest are welcome. Suggestions can be given to be over however you like: VM, PM, e-mail, AIM, MSN, Skype, etc. I also want to push the idea that these are community boards. If you're not satisfied with something, do something about it. Talk to Kidbomber, bring in some guys you know who like/want to learn graphics, help improve the average quality of replies, etc. Everything posted (in any board, not necessarily just here) brings it closer or farther away from something great.
This, but if it had recieved attention about 4-6 months ago, we would still have as large a member contingent as we did then, haha.
That being said I hope the only reason why the GnA becomes more active is not because of prizes in the contests. I'd frown upon that way to much if that was going to be true.
Prizes are never a good way to run something. They can help, sure, but they shouldn't be the focus and main reason for people being here.
qft. i've left and come back multiple times not because of prizes but because i can have a place to showcase my work and participate in contests.