Hi, this is one of my many maps i have made, except this one is a JUMP MAP!, it is pretty hard i think.. and is also kind of a puzzle, it inst always straight forward of what to do! you may have to think of how to get to the next challenge. There are 6 challenges but more than 6 jumps. Simply: It is a jump map and lots of fun. (on foundry) Rules: 1.Use the given game type or it might ruin the game 2.Don't play with more than 1 person unless u play as if there was only one person playing (no double jumping glitches etc) Don't forget to have fun PICS: First Room: Second Room: Third Room: Fourth Room: Fifth Room: Final Room: Freedom at the loop at last: MAP-JUMPY GAMETYPE-JUMPY JUMPS Sorry in advance if something doesn't work, it's my first map post.
You have done everything right. ( you have two third rooms btw ) you know your way around forge sinse your new it's very uncomon that you would get your fist post right. ( Most People don't bother to read the rules ). Ok with your map it looks ok i would have to try it out for gameplay but in the end i think it would be an alright jumping map. PS. your map name is jumpy it's all right to have that name but someone might have that name on another map just to let you know.
looks good, but i get the feeling you dont have to do the flip at the end, seen as it looks like you can walk around it... is this true? also the gametype is slayer based, this makes me think theres no "end goal"... :/ just seems... pointless in that sense... like "whats the point in going through all this?" maybe an oddball variant? or assault, where you carry the bomb to the end?
Once you get to the flip you are finished. It is just for a challenge really i could have put a bomb but i thought people might rather to just mess around and you can actually go back to any one of the challenges once your outside. PS: my map name isn't very inventive, ill take note of the thought others might already have the name next time