Once again, don't be so technical, it's a game. It doesn't have to make sense. Does Slip-Space or the Forerunner's ability to create ENTIRE PLANETS make sense? No, not really. There's flaws in the Halo trilogy, canon, history, and gameplay. There's flaws everywhere. Basically, just do the chart, stop complaining about it =P And if you need a new type/class for that Forerunner drone you made, why don't you...y'know, submit something then?
Wrong. Download Halo: Waypoint and watch the new Halo Legends episode Saturday. It's the second part of the Origins arc, where Cortana tells about the Forerunner. Weapon: Name: Forerunner Laser Pistol(At lack for a better name, as it IS canon) Creator: Forerunner Type: Pistol Description: A strange pistol that the Forerunners used, as revealed in Legends: Origin on Waypoint. It has no external battery case, and fires a large plasma beam, capable of acting as a whip. Unidentified Forerunner Weapon - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more This is the article pertaining to the gun. don't ask, just to to it. Trust me.
Compared to every other game, Halo is extremely real. Bungie went to great lengths to ensure that. For example, the general part of "slipspace" could be real. And creating entire planets isn't impossible. They use an extremely strong metal, and if you saw one of the cut-scenes in Halo Wars they're filled with supports of that metal, and advanced technology we can't begin to understand. Btw i'll just submit this as a drone: It needs a name and description though, which i'm at a lack of. Spoiler
Weapon, Equipment or Vehicle?: Vehicle Name: Controller Creator: Forerunner Type: Juggernaut Description: The Controller is a Forerunner Juggernaut that floats about 25 ft off the ground. It possesses a large laser turret at the bottom of the vehicle. It floats using gravity lifts. Other weapons it possesses is four energy beams similar to the Sentinel Beams, mounted on automatic turrets. All these turrets are mounted on the sides of the Controller. Those turrets fire blue beams much stronger than normal Sentinel Beams. The Controller is large and grey. It looks like a Sentinel, but ten times as large. In essence, it is a Sentinel, but can be switched to manual control instead of automatic. It can be destroyed by grounding it using an EMP (ElectroMagnetc Pulse) and boarded through the back, and destroyed by destroying its power core. Oh, btw the Needler on the chart is still in the old Covenant color. You might want to fix that.
I don't think it should only be able to be grounded by an EMP, that just makes it even harder to take it down since there's such a limited choice of destroying it. Remember, you have to think about gameplay: Will it be balanced, or overpowered? Name: Stalker Creator: Covenant Type: Mech Description: The Stalker is a Covenant Mech that's about as big as a Prowler and is structurally similar to a big cat (Jaguar, Panther, Lion, etc. etc.). The exoskeleton is the same metal and color as a Phantom dropship. A player lies down in the Stalker like in a Banshee, except they come in from an open hatch on the top of the Stalker. When boosting, a stream of light is emitted from the hind legs, the shoulder blades, and the bottom of every foot. On the front "shoulders" of the Stalker, there are Dual Plasma Cannons like on a Ghost. Each "claw" of the Stalker, however, is a super-heated, contained layer of Plasma (basically, a really short Energy Sword). When walking, the Stalker is about as fast as any Spartan/Elite. However, when boosting, the Stalker is the fastest vehicle available in Halo, easily outrunning a Warthog at top speed and barely beating a boosting Banshee. Just to add to it's deadly arsenal, the Stalker has the ability to jump. It can also charge jump, increasing jump height and distance the longer you hold down A. Electricity sparks from the legs when a jump is being charged. In addition, the Stalker has a lunge attack that utilizes it's mini-Energy Swords, allowing it to melee infantry and board vehicles. When attacking a tank, the Stalker simply boards it like a regular Hijack. It takes 3 hits to destroy a tank and its pilot. When attacking a lighter ground vehicle, however, the Stalker simply grabs it and automatically throws it to the side. This takes out the shields of players, but doesn't kill them. When attacking an aerial vehicle, the Stalker causes them to fall to the ground as if they were hit by a Plasma Pistol. Once they hit the ground, the Stalker treats it like a light ground vehicle and leaves it grounded for a few seconds. To balance out it's extreme offensive capabilities, the Stalker has very light armor. It can be taken out by a few rockets, missile pods, a single tank shot, and, just like everything else, a single Laser. It is also slightly damaged by small arms fire (bullets and plasma) Control Scheme (Default): Left Thumbstick: Walk/ Sprint (While boosting) Right Thumbstick: Aim/Look around Left Bumper: Enter/Exit vehicle Left Trigger: Boost Right Trigger: Fire Plasma Cannons A Button: Jump/Charge Jump B Button: Melee/Pounce (While boosting or while in mid-air)
Weapon Name: SMG-Scope A3 Creator: Human Type: Between Rifles and Duals Description: Its an SMG With a Scope, A Lazer sight, Snap off Silencer feature and A Combat knife. Allow to zoom in. Also has a lazer sight attachment. Allows to snap off Silencer. Press and hold B to snap off Silencer. Click Hold LT to scope and Click and Hold X to Turn on Lazer Sight. Press B to reattach Silencer. Press Right Stick to Knife. Add with lazer sight and a Knife.
Weapon Name: Anti-vehicle shell Creator: Human Type: ? Description: It looks like a large cyclinder. One end however contains a powerful magnet, which activates when the grenade is activated. The grenade when thrown within 10 metres of a vehicle it will target and attach itself. After a 2 second delay (vehicle's final reign of destruction before death) the grenade detonates in a loud explosion, similar to that of a fusion coil. The grenade has enough force to lift a scorpion or wraith and propel every other vehicle across the map. It doesn't necessarily kill in one hit, I say this though because if it does hit the right spot it can kill in one hit. If the grenade misses a vehicle it just acts a normal but larger grenade. The grenade is as deadly to spartan (or elite) as a missile pod, eg: Direct hit = kill, Splash damage = not much. Where could this go? Also can we have either grenades ++ or equipment offense +
Just from my point of view it seems too complicated and too MW2-esque. A knife instead of a melee is kinda wierd that it's just for this weapon (although I love the knife in COD MW2) and a detaching silencer is unneeded. why would you want to do that or waste time doing that? It has it or it doesn't I say. the laser sight is cool but that just says "when your spraying and not aiming down the sights you can haz laser sight" which seems pointless and X is reload. You have too many options for the thing and while the gun itself is cool, they already have the silenced sub-machine gun in ODST to use. It also doesn't fit a category, although you can make a silenced duals category, but I bet the ODST sub-machine gun would top over your thing because it's already in Halo lore. I just wanted point that out and say it, nonetheless, and nothing against you and your creativity Devil.
You know I was being serious when I suggested this...maybe change "shoot him in the groin area" to "shoot in the legs".
Okay, second attempt at a Forerunner Juggernaut: Weapon, Equipment or Vehicle?: Vehicle Name: Controller Creator: Forerunner Type: Juggernaut Description: The Controller is a Forerunner Juggernaut that floats about 25 ft off the ground. It possesses a large laser turret at the bottom of the vehicle. It floats using gravity lifts. Other weapons it possesses is four energy beams similar to the Sentinel Beams, mounted on automatic turrets. All these turrets are mounted on the sides of the Controller. Those turrets fire blue beams much stronger than normal Sentinel Beams. The Controller is large and grey. It looks like a Sentinel, but ten times as large. In essence, it is a Sentinel, but can be switched to manual control instead of automatic. It can be destroyed by grounding it using an EMP (ElectroMagnetc Pulse), a direct hit by an explosive in the 'eye', by destroying the grav lifts, which will ground the Controller permanently and by dropping out of an aircraft or a mancannon to get on the top of the Controller. It can be boarded through the back, and destroyed by destroying its power core. Control Scheme: Left thumbstick: Turn Right thumbstick: Move Right Trigger: Fire primary turret Left Trigger: Short Boost A: Activate/Deactivate grav lifts B: Activate shielding (one use only, lasts 10 seconds) X: Activate Radar Jammer (one use only, lasts 15 seconds, affects everyone in a 15 metre radius) Y: Swap to automatic control. Radar jammer and shields cannot be activated, grav lifts cannot be deactivated (automatic control cannot be activated when grav lifts are deactivated). Weapon, Equipment or Vehicle?: Vehicle Name: Spider Creator: Human Type: Mech Description: The Spider is a Mech designed for stealth operations. It can climb on walls and ceiling through the use of its four legs. The user sits in the torso of the Spider. The user's arms control the top legs while the user's legs control the bottom legs. A .50 calibre machine gun is built into the back of the Spider.
Grenade Name:Vapor (Vap for short) Creator: Forerunners Type: eerie? lol Description/effects: The Vapor is a forerunner grenade which looks like a ring with an unexplainably floating white light in the middle. the ring is about two spartan handswidths, and the small orb is about the size of an eyeball. the ring itself, though small, is very detailed with forerunner-like engravings and lights. Effect: when thrown, the Vap travels in a relatively horizontal path, like a frisbee, and makes a very faint beeping noise which can only be clearly heard from 2-3 steps away. it will detonate immediatly after it sticks to any surface. during detonation, the small orb in the middle of the ring emits a white beam perpendicular to the surface it sticks too. the beam will last for about 2.2seconds, and is about the same diameter of a spartan laster shot, but it only puts sheilds into the red (will kill if 3/4 sheilds are remaining prior to being hit). The beam only emits outward from the surface it rests on, unless it sticks to somebody, in which case it will wrap around, shoot the beam up and down, and instantly kill the stuck player and damage those who come into contact with the beam (like when a player is stuck by a plasma). Because it is a Bio-based weapon, the Vapor will do literally 0 damage to any vehicles, and holds no explosive power (will not detonate fusion coils nor move weapons on the ground). in fact, the beam itself will not even break glass. if you do stick the Vap to a vehicle, it will still emit its beam normally, but the vehicle will take no damage as it is behind the beam, and neither will its passengers. if you happen to make someone pass through the beam as you drive by (say if it were stuck to the door or the warthog), it will still cause damage accordingly. (this would make for an epic screeny) the Vap's beam will continue infinitely until stopped by basically any solid object in the map. though it stops by any objects, it will still pass through spartans, much like a spartan laser would. hope you like the idea, im pretty bad an explanations so let me know if i was unclear. oh and im at drawing so i decided your imagination was better then my awful sketches.
this is Halo, not Call of Duty =P Because Flood don't have their own weapons, they use other weapons. I watched the Origins episode, and it is real and part of Halo lore and all that, but it's too powerful to be considered anything less than the Forerunner Super Weapon. Remember, this isn't about canon or getting Halo History down accurately, it's about creating new, balanced weapons that could be useable to actual gameplay. Are you fine with it being a Super Weapon, or would you rather just make something up yourself? Congratulations to: - Crypto nv for: - the Forerunner Headshot Rifle, the Ghost Shot - the Human Mech, the Overkill - HydroZoid for: - the Forerunner Grenade+, the Vapor grenade Honorable Mentions: - Flameblad3 for: - Runner-up for the Human Mech, the Spider New Categories: (thanks to mikelp for the idea) Security Equipment: Long-term equipment that lasts for a long time, usually a minimum of 45 seconds to a minute, and a maximum of 3 minutes. After this equpiment has been placed, whenever an enemy comes within a certain distance of it, the equipment does something that alerts the entire team to the presence of the enemy. This can be done via placing a marker, trapping the enemy, creating a secondary screen on the HUD showing what the equipment sees, etc. etc. Security equipment CAN be shot and destroyed. Air Support Equipment: Powerful but slow equipment that calls in some sort of air support. The equipment itself is just a beacon that calls in the actual weapon. Whatever the equipment calls in usually takes 20 to 40 seconds to arrive/charge up completely before coming into complete effect. Once the equipment is thrown, the effect cannot be stopped. The effect can anything from powerful airstrikes, to MAC Blasts, to simple weapon cache drops.
Reposting under the new Air Support category. Equipment: Name: Artillery Locator Creator: Human Type: Air Support Description: The Locator is a small device, similar to a pair of Binoculars. it has a little laser pointer inbetween the eye pieces. Looking through will designate the area for whatever support is selected. MAC Cannon(Single very powerful space bombardment), Long-Distance Artillery(Fires five Cluster Rockets to "Rug" bomb the area), Longsword Airstrike(Like the Precision Airstrike for MW2), SMP(Single Missile Placement)(Like the Predator Missile from MW2), and SPNKr Strike(A three man team fires both tubes at site. It may take some time for the rockets to hit, so structures are easier). Listed in rank of power from highest to lowest, and consequently, longest TTI( Time 'til Impact) and reload/charge time. Must have a lock-on time of at least four seconds, and a bar will show how long you have until painting is confirmed. There's a recharge between them and you can only use one at a time, until it recharges. To choose the effect, you cycle through on the D-Pad (Left/Right) and hold RT to aim and locate the target.
A pair of binoculars? That sounds more like a weapon. Does it have the ability to use ALL of those powers in succession, or just one power for one shot? (Basically, does it have a single bullet, or can it use all of those bullets? =P) And how would you select the powers? Fix it up a bit. Just clarify how this thing works, y'know? It can be the Runner-Up for the Human Oddity
Oh no. There's a recharge between them and you can only use one at a time, until it recharges. i.e. If you call in a rocket strike, you have to wait x seconds before you can call in any other forms of support. Oh and I made it an air support as it doesn't actually fire the whatever, but instead paints the area for the whatever to fire at it.
Yay, I finally got a Juggernaut on the list. Thanks Okage Weapon, Equipment or Vehicle?: Equipment Name: MAC Caller Creator: Human Type: Air Support Equipment Description: The MAC Caller is quite simply a targeting laser. It has one 'bullet' (enough power to be used once). The user targets an area, and once the laser has lased the desired target area, the user will call the MAC (hence the name). The MAC will strike that area 25 seconds later. When the MAC has hit the lased area, a large explosion will occur, kill ing anyone within the radius (5 metres). The laser can NOT lock on to vehicles.
Vehicle: Name: Ethereal Creator: Forerunner Type: Air Description: The Ethereal is a Forerunner airship, about eight feet long, five and a half feet tall, and four feet wide. The control station is directly at the front, almost completely vertical, where the driver is strapped in tight and a liquidish(Normal looking Covie) shield forms over the front frame. Their arms are held back and their hands on ultra-sensitive orb-like pads, as are their legs, only without the pads. The orbs are for steering and speed, and they are locked up to prevent a whiteout while at high speeds. A small wire frame unfolds over their heads, having a 360 degree view at their disposal, and allowing for a full HUD at the same time. There are two disks at the top and bottom of the craft, facing horizontal and vertical, respectively, that allow for full dynamic control, VTOL capabilities, and fine adjustments. They are also capable of deflecting many incoming projectiles, although only on the sides. A reason the ship is so long is that it holds many offensive/defensive abilities. One such offense is a small cluster of missile launchers, light plasma cannons, and small beam points that disable electronics, albeit slowly. On the defense side, this is where the Ethereal gets its name. It has two abilities. The first is to deploy a fast, yet weak, shield that takes up some of its mobility, and is activated manually such as the shields on the Onyx Sentinels. The second ability is to turn the ship almost completely invisible. Because it uses gravity propulsion instead of combustion, it is almost silent, and being coupled with the invisibility makes it undetectable. Not without it's flaws, it cannot deploy a shield or shoot while the invisibility generators are active. Finally, in the back, the Ethereal has a small storage compartment, allowing for transportation of typical Forerunner items, being guns, ammo(good one...) wife's dry cleaning, lunch, or even small children from Forerunner daycare. The versatilities are endless! Oh, and if you notice, both of my better(IMO) creations are antonyms. Corporeal: Physical; Ethereal: Ghost-like I vote for a sticky MODS DELIVER.
Weapon, Equipment, or Vehicle?: Equipment Name: Paranoia Creator: Covenant Type: Tech Disruption Description: The Paranoia is a Tech Disruption equipment that fogs the difference between friend and foe. On your radar, all dots, including your allies, will show up as enemies. Along with this, all players on screen will be depicted as enemies (the game will help track allies and show their name in red). This also causes the markers showing your teammates' locations to disappear, but it does NOT change your teammmates colors, they will stay the same. This makes situational awareness very important when playing with a Paranoia. The Paranoia lasts for 30 seconds and has a range about the same size as a Radar Jammer's and can be destroyed if found. It appears as a dark grey disk with blue lights scattered seemingly randomly on it and a ring of lighter blue strips of light when on the ground (hasn't been picked up yet.) After being deployed, the Paranoia looks exactly the same, except that the ring is now spinning counter-clockwise and the lights pulsate brilliantly. It causes no sounds and is the same size as a Trip Mine.
Awesome idea I just had... Weapon, Equipment or Vehicle?: Weapon Name: Nitrogen Charge Creator: Human Type: Grenades+ Description: The Nitrogen Charge is an advanced human grenade that, when it explodes, spreads super-cooled liquid nitrogen in a 5 metre radius. It looks like a 21st-century stun grenade, but dark blue. After being thrown, it takes three seconds to detonate. However, if someone (friend or foe) is within the five metre radius after it is thrown, it will detonate immediately. If someone (friend or foe)walks within the five metre radius before the grenade has reached three seconds, it will detonate immediately. The Nitrogen Charge, once detonated, will spread the nitrogen in the five metre radius and will drain shields after 5 seconds. If someone has no shields left, they will be killed immediately. The nitrogen will remain in a small puddle. If someone walks in this puddle, little damage will be done, unless they remain in it.