S78 Pinball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by silvertab78, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. silvertab78

    silvertab78 Ancient
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    Map Title: S78 Pinball
    Pinball Machine

    Download Map: S78 Pinball1.1
    Download Gametype: S78 Pinball

    This is my first attempt at making a map. I've been trying to come up with an original idea to create in forge but everything I thought of was already done at least once, including pinball. I know someone else on ForgeHub just posted a Pinball map (I was 2 days late releasing mine) so I called my S78 Pinball to distinguish it from the other one. However, I still haven't seen one that has all of the elements of a pinball machine. The map I created contains the following:
    - 2 Flippers
    - Ball launch
    - Bumpers
    - 2 Ramps
    - Targets
    - Multiball

    Here is how it works, there are 2 gravity hammers to use as flippers. You push the ball into the ramp on the right, this launches the ball into the playfield. There are 2 ramps, When the ball hits the grav lift under the ramps it will go through one of them, depending on the angle that it hits. There are 2 fusion coil targets on the left side, when hit they fall and explode (most of the time). I tried adding as many pinball elements as I could. My favorite is the multiball! After 2 minutes a grav lift appears at the top allowing you to get the ball to hit the multiball target. This falls and sets off a chain of explosions that expell the extra 3 balls from the cage. The explosion also destroys the grav lift, which respawns 2 minutes later. There is also a trip mine that occasionally spawns between the flippers. I wish that you can spawn active trip mines because I would use them as targets as well. If anyone knows of a glitch that will allow this, please let me know. The 2 power ups (overshield and custom) are just for decoration of the bumpers.

    There really isn't a way to keep score. You can move all around in the map, but to follow the example of a real pinball machine, you should stay in the areay seen in the "Flipper" image below. For 2 player action I have set up a team slayer varient that does not allow friendly fire, has infinite grav hammer ammo and invinciblitly, since this was not designed as a killing map. If you prefer to battle on the pinball machine, be my guest... :)

    Overview of the Pinball Machine
    This is a view showing the pinball table from the bottom up. At the bottom you see 2 kickers/slingshots, just below (out of view) there are 2 gravity hammer spawns and below that is where you spawn and push the ball into the launch (I will try to get a better shot tonight that shows this area), above the kickers are 2 bumpers (man cannons/powerups), the left are 2 targets (fusion coils), on the far right is the ball launch ramp (between the bridges), the grav lift on the right lifts you to the ramps, way in the back is the cage with 3 extra balls for multi ball.

    Overview 2 -this one i took away the walls and labeled items (click to enlarge and read the labels)

    Ball Launch



    Ramp one

    Ramp two


    Multiball ready: Use the grav lift to hit the target...



    Let me know what you guys think.
    #1 silvertab78, Apr 22, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2008

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
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    the map looks OK but the pictures dont show it very well
  3. silvertab78

    silvertab78 Ancient
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    I'm not sure what you mean. I dont know how much better i can get the screenshots...would it help if I gave a more detailed description of each image?
  4. KB

    KB Ancient
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    cool you did a nice job with this pinball map 4/5
  5. Slayer21212007

    Slayer21212007 Ancient
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    I think he means by take a screen of the [Full] machine with out playing on it.;]
  6. silvertab78

    silvertab78 Ancient
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    Th Assa1n - Thanks for the compliment.

    Monkey and Slayer - The first screenshot is the best I can do to show the full machine. I can't move the camera further back, nor can I get it higher without cutting off the bottom. I'll edit the description to give more detail
  7. RealRico

    RealRico Ancient
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    Very cool idea I played it with my friends and we loved it.
  8. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
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    good job using interlocking, most of the newer people dont do that and i give it a 4.5/5
  9. silvertab78

    silvertab78 Ancient
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    Thanks RealRico and nullstar. Funny story about the interlocking: I started this map before I knew how to do it. By the time I learned how to interlock, I had already deleted the bridges that were supporting the floor, so I had to try to get them back in place to interlock the floor. It was a pain...but it was worth it.

    Another pain was trying to get the ball to randomly go through either of the 2 ramps. it was only going through one, but through trial and error i was able to get the hovering shield door at the right angle. I also had issues getting it to hit and knock down the 2 targets. I found that even though the shield door was behind the fusion coils...the ball seemed to be hitting the door and not hitting the coils...so I had to move the door back a little...

    One question: A friend of mine told me that this might be good enough to be posted as one of bungie's favorites. Any idea how they choose them? Do they look at download amounts, or posts on bungie.net?
    #9 silvertab78, Apr 22, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  10. xlilpsychox

    xlilpsychox Ancient
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    I think that the map looks kwl but i think u need better and more clearer screenshots
  11. Detailed

    Detailed Ancient
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    Nice going. your one is more complex than mine. But hard to tell from screens. Idk if yours is beta dan mine.
  12. silvertab78

    silvertab78 Ancient
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    Detailed...Your map was cool too, but i didn't really get the feel of playing pinball with it. I didn't really like the idea of shooting the fusion coils to prevent the ball from falling. I never said mine was better than yours, it is just different.

    I have added another screenshot called "Overview 2". I removed the walls for this one and labeled the items. Let me know if this clears things up. I am really dont have much room to move the camera around and get a good screenshot.

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