Sandbox Pronunciamiento

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MattKestrel, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Pronunciation /pɾo.nunˌθia̯ˈmie̯

    1. (literally) A pronouncement or "declaration".
    2. (idiomatic) A military uprising or coup in Spain or the Spanish American republics, particularly in the 19th century. They received this designation because coups were usually accompanied by a statement declaring the existing government null and void.

    For anyone who can't be bothered to read the whole thread, I'll summarise it here.

    • Pronunciamiento is an extremely small, tight map, ideal for 1v1s, small ffa games and Team Doubles at a push.
    • The map mostly consists of three routes to each base; a figure of eight by the sides, or taking a passage straight through the middle.
    • Power weapons include a sniper suspended over blue base, and a mauler suspended over red base.
    • Optimised for Slayer, Oddball and KOTH. No other gametypes have been accounted for, but Juggernaut also seems to work.
    Download Here!

    For anyone who can, pull up a swivel chair and make yourselves comfortable.


    Firstly, this is the first map of mine that's come from /nothing/. No ideas of what should come out of the other end at all. Which I think is good, because I didn't have to cater for any pre-conceived images. However, I've certainly had quite a few inspirations in making this map.

    • Construct, with its multiple layers and paths to the same destinations.
    • Guardian, with it's compact, freeform structure, and asymmetry.
    • Slate Creek, with an excellent center piece and its many different levels of play.
    So those were the maps bouncing around in my head as I made this. I actually started out with the red base, with just some huge blocks and a flamethrower. Gradually, I removed the flamethrower, added some spawns, and add some tight paths around the outside. Then I made the middle passage, added the weird obelisk structures, then finished off blue base. And then I scrapped half of it and tried again. :p 16 hours later, the final map popped out!

    Cool fact #1: By placing the red and blue lights under the map, I managed to make an eerie look inside each of the oibelisk structures, as well as add a nice visual effect to the blue elbow. Woo, scary.

    Weapons List

    • 4x BR -- 30 seconds -- 2 spare clips
    • 2x Magnum -- 30 seconds -- 2 spare clips
    • 2x Plasma Rifles -- 30 seconds
    • 1x Mauler -- 60 seconds -- 1 spare clip
    • 1x Sniper -- 120 seconds -- 1 spare clip

    • 6x Frag Grenades -- 10 seconds
    • 4x Plasma Grenades -- 30 seconds
    • 1x Power Drain -- 90 seconds -- No start
    • 1x Overshield -- 90 seconds -- No start

    • Common sense -- 15 seconds -- No suicides

    The weapon selection may look small, but it's a 2v2 map, and the dual wielding combos can be quite unique and useful. PR and Magnum for mid range, PR and Mauler for close range, each should take less than a second with some good aiming. Equipment has also been added, but it won't spawn at the start. Things tended to get a little crazy during testing when everyone was rushing for the Overshield and forgetting the other side :p.

    Cool Fact #2: If you've got a Plasma Rifle, the lighting scheme means that it'll often turn the colour of the base you're facing. Dual wield them for police lights lolage!

    Guided Tour with Screenshots


    Ignore the teleporter, that was just for convenience whilst forging. As you can see, the map has a fairly symmetrical structure by asymmetric means. Ie, there's pretty much the same routes, but with different weapons, platforms, etc. I couldn't really get a clearer shot of everything, so bear with me.


    This is where the flamethrower originally was, and it was originally meant to be the centre of the map! Thankfully, things didn't work out that way. There's a BR facing the red court, a route to the right, and the passageway through the middle with the Red Plasmas.


    As you can see, there's another BR down this route, and a Magnum and some Frags. This is also a good way to sneak around the massive fight towards the middle, as it's relatively hidden from view. It's also a good camping spot in Oddball, and one of the hills in KOTH.

    Cool Fact #3: Originally, this was the Mauler spawn, but that seemed to shift the balance a bit far in Red's favour... I rotated almost every weapon on the map through the Magnum spawn until I decided to leave that area as just an advantageous route, and nothing else.


    Here's the new Mauler spawn. It's in a good place for red to fall back once they've claimed the mauler, and alternatively a good place for blue to mount an attack, getting behind the reds quickly. Originally housed a Missile Pod before I decided to cut back and add soemthing more conservative...


    The red court contains the Overshield, one of the power weapons on the map. More or less in equal distance from both bases, should blue know how to jump, the overshield doesn't spawn until 90 seconds in, letting everyone focus on bickering over the sniper rifle beforehand. Also houses a magnum and some frags. Also a hill in KOTH.


    Say hello to the blue base, which is personally my favorite. They spawn right under the sniper, but it turns out to be a fairly equal distance from both bases in the end. Blue can go left onto the elbow at the start to secure plasma, right by jumping over the fallen obelisk to pin down the red court, or straight through the middle for a more defensive path.


    As you can see, they start with a BR towards the elbow, and another further down towards the court. However, the power drain also spawns midway into the game down blue corridor, which helps counter the overshield. Spawns at the same time as the overshield.


    From the blue elbow, you have a great view of the mauler spawn and red passage, as well as access to blue's plasmas. Also a hill in KOTH.


    Finally, the sniper spawn. One of the key obejctives free for alls and head to heads, it can be used both as a close quarters stopper and to patrol the blue viewpoints on the red areas. Although it spawns over the blues, red can often reach it first or at least finish off the rusher. Since there's no cover up here, bailing for somewhere else is advisible unless you can no scope like hell. The sniper spawn also provides a quick route into blue base, which can bring a deadly advantage to the reds.

    Cool Fact #4: Because of all the paths available, a blue rushing for the sniper can simply jump to the left, bounce off the obelisk, and appear behind any following rushers in about two seconds. Be wary of this technique or get teabagged like hell.


    Thanks to anyone who gets this far, I put a lot of time into this itty-bitty map and I'm glad you got something out of it! If there's any balance problems, let me know, and I might post a V2, so long as it's not re-arranging geometry or the like. This is my first map with ghost merging, so assume i'll improve the smoothness of my maps over time.

    Download Pronunciamiento again!
    #1 MattKestrel, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2010
  2. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    haha i think the name of the map is bigger then the map itself.
    I havent played it yet but i like all the little effects. Like the lights under the bases to add the glow. It looks really cool in the pic and also has given me some ideas on how to do that with my maps. Eventually ill get around to downloading this and playing but i have a lot of forging to do so it may be awhile. Im glad to see you took out all those rediculous power weapons out of the map otherwise this map would play horribly since it is such a small area.

    I think this map has a little too many weapons for 1v1. Since there are like 2 pairs of each weapon it would give you quite a lot of ammo if played on 1v1. So you should just keep it on doubles.

    Also, i think this would be a really cool map to modify for CTF (still doubles of course, yes 4 person CTF CAN work). what you could do is add an extra path or a tunnel and set it to spawn in symetrical (i think thats what type CTF is) to give this map a different feel when playing a different gametype
    #2 FryTheSly, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  3. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    This totally looks like a ship. Like a SSBB Feel. Anyway, Magnums are useless, Dont know why you would add that. like the 2 bases. Mauler looks like its hidden. Not a good idea. Nice, smooth and gameplay looks good too. Good Work!
  4. LinkinPork

    LinkinPork Ancient

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    Wow, a skybubble map that ISN'T symmetrical. Nice, I think it looks like a good One Bomb map.
  5. silvergt

    silvergt Ancient

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    looks like it took alot of time man, i just completed my first ghost merged map on the skybubble, but its very very simple. good job!
  6. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll answer a few points made here. Firstly, I like Magnums. They're handy in close quarters and can be dual wielded with the PR to increase their firepower. Alternatively, mauler plus magnum can finish an opponent before you reach melee range, which is helpful against AR melee-ers. Secondly, I agree that the Mauler spawn is a little off to the side. Primarily, this was so that I could give red a path through the middle without any hassle. Thirdly, I tried running CTF and One Bomb on it, and I wasn't happy of slapping it on to the existing Slayer set up. I'm working on a new map inspired by Pronunciamiento, and I can assure you it'll be fully viable for CTF /and/ teams of up to 4. Watch this space.
  7. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Observations on this map after testing with some friends.

    > PR and magnum ANNIHILATE on this map. Becuase it's fairly linear and mid range, this combo beats BRs stone cold. I'll have to work this into my other maps.
    > It's too easy to back off of the edge of the bases in the middle of a firefight. I'll have to add some railings in a reinstallment, or something.
    > There's too much traffic around top mid, and the jump ups are a little too awkward. Make the top path smoother in the next version.

    EDIT: Whoops, didn't realise this would bump the thread. I might as well pose the question to avoid spam: what should i improve in the next installment?
    #7 MattKestrel, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
  8. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    u need more railings. falling off because of a lack of railings is sooooo annoying.
  9. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Haha hooray for bump. Looking back, I completely agree. I might add some railings and repost a new version, depending on whether I can be arsed. Thanks for looking at my sig, btw :p

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