Min/Max Tech Guide

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ching Chong Kid, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Min/Max Tech Guide

    How It Works

    Min/max tech gets its name from Forge Objects' Run-Time Minimum and Run-Time Maximum settings which allow the switch to work. A min/max switch is basically a mechanism that relies on the destruction of an object; when the object is destroyed, the Run-Time Minimum setting forces a different instance of the object to spawn elsewhere. The most commonly-used objects in min/max switches are Fusion Coils, Grav Lifts, and Pallets, because they are all easily broken.


    1. Force Spawn an Object

    First off, place two breakable objects on the map (in this case two pallets)

    Press X on the object to edit it's settings and X again to access the run-time minimum and maximum settings. Change the run-time minimum to 1. Notice the run-time maximum is 2 because there are 2 of this object placed on the map.

    Next, change the settings on one of the objects to RESPAWN RATE: NEVER and PLACE AT START: YES and change the settings of the second object to RESPAWN RATE: 180 and PLACE AT START: NO.

    What this does is it causes one object to spawn on the map at the beginning of the game but never respawn once it's broken. The other one doesn't spawn at the start of the match but will spawn 180 seconds into the game. Setting the object's run-time minimum to 1 makes it so there must always be at least 1of this object on the map. Therefore, breaking the first object will force spawn the second even thought it isn't set to spawn for 180 seconds.

    This works for many breakable objects: fusion coils, turrets, pallets, equipment, vehicles, ect.

    Photos by Ferretness

    Click the link in my sig for more switch guides
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Just a thought of mine, but this is pretty well known with a lot of forgers. At least I believe so, because people have been doing things like this on maps since before Foundry. It doesn't qualify as a switch really either, since it doesn't activate anything. BTW, your pics are pretty high def for taking them from your TV screen. You shouldn't do that. Just sayin. Anyway, sorry dude but this isn't really helpful to anybody because I'm almost positive TDF or somebody posted a guide to this stuff way back when forgehub was just a wee lad.
  3. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Given... it is a switch because it causes objects to spawn in another spot. Yes TDF covered the topic but things improve over time and Ching Chong has made many good tutorials for forgers in the last few days. If you don't mind Back off the mans grill and let him help the community under stand these glitch's/switches.

    More over I enjoy all your guides but I would have loved them more together maybe in one solid thread or less clinky to read around them all. I like the fact your posting the guides but FH will simply bump your guide to the pit of no return soon. ...
  4. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I didn't mean to get "all up in his grill..." ... ... Never talk like that again Goph, lol.
    Sorry man, I was just tryin to get my point across, and yeah next time makle them all in one thread :)
  5. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay I think I will put all of them into one BIG guide. It'll be up soon...

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