I felt like this for a few days after... Then I realized I'd have to wait another lifetime for the second movie, and then I killed myself. I transferred my mind over to my avatar with the help of the Na'vi. Now I'm here, wishing it was real.
Avatar was f**king epic at the iMax. If you dont know what that is its a massive screen thats about 6 stories high (or more) and is in 3D.
I saw the title I thought it was a video in the same genre of College Humor... But then I opened the thread and watched...
I get this feeling, but after watching Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/Star Wars. Not as bad as these people, but after watching these movies I wish it could be real.
Yeah, I don't get depressed, I just imagine what it would be like in those worlds. But I started really young, with like Pokemon. That would be badass. Freakin monsters walking the planet and you get to catch and train them to be total bamfs? *SCORE* But yeah, I probably spent an unhealthy amount of my youth imagining myself doing these things, being in these other worlds. I don't get depressed about it, I just lay in bed and think. What people SHOULD do is "obtain" the movie and watch it continuously. Then, they could live in their fantasy 24/7. Problem solved.
It's a little bit depressing to think that if this was ever to be real, it will probably be about 500 years after your dead..like halo. But other than that wow..what I find really depressing about Avatar is that I'm not the one who made it **** I'd be rich.
i don't think it's that bad for the human race... I mean, the whole goal of films is to immerse you into a story and bring out emotion. People tend to forget that you don't necessarily need a good script to immerse people into a film. Everything in movies should be accounted for, not just one thing like dialogue. Same for the other side of the coin, you can't just rely on one thing like visuals to make a great film. Avatar went above and beyond in visuals like nothing i've ever seen. It would take one hell of a garbage filled script to **** that up. Avatar's got its cheese, yes, but there's so much other good. It's beautiful. People designed, put time into, and created every single thing you see in Avatar and people fail to realize that. Art is art, whether it's written or designed, and in my opinion, Avatar is one hell of a piece of art. Now i can't say i was depressed when Avatar was over, but i can see why somebody would. It isn't stupid or sad, it's just people appreciating something that isn't shitting on you all the time like real life, which is human. I WAS depressed after Return of the King got over in theaters, yeah. Does this make me a disgrace to the human race pricks?
I can understand why people are. As Creepy said it was a piece of art. I was depressed when it was over more than when I saw the Mona Lisa. Ya I went there.
It was a movie and although I don't think it should make you depressed it's also something of a milestone in the filming and arts community that a film can be made that has so much emotional repercussions. I want to see it in IMAX and I agree you do feel immersed in the world of Pandora but I only saw it as a movie and nothing more.
After i watched the movie (and the whole time i watched it) i felt depressed. Just cause Avatar sucked that much.